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The Issue with Dylan Mulvaney: Controversy and His Representation of What a Woman is.

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

Hello out there! Before I start, today's topic is a bit more on the opinion side of the bend. This article is going to be based on my opinion, but I of course will offer evidence and an explanation as to why I have a particular opinion on a subject matter. It helps both you and I better understand the subject, and it can help you to help understand my perspective. So, to put it briefly, if you do not want to hear my opinion or are easily offended, I wouldn't recommend reading further. But as I always say when it comes to articles like this, you make the decision whether or not to read further. Either way, enjoy the article, and we'll get right to it.

We'll start this off by talking about the recent controversy surrounding Mulvaney. As a form of gift, Mulvaney received a sponsorship with Bud Light as a celebration for a full year of 'girlhood' and March Madness. This ultimately sparked controversy because of the fact that Mulvaney is a transgender woman. Many of Bud Light's customers responded with anti-trans responses, and a boycott of the product. A large number of their conservative consumers spoke up, even some famous consumers like Kid Rock, Travis Tritt, and Harley Wood have spoken out against the company's choice for a spokesperson.

Of course, not everybody agrees with this way if life, it is completely understandable. I myself am a Catholic, and homosexuality and transgenderism goes against what I believe in. However, I am not going out of my way to insult people because of their way of life. Just because I don't agree with it, doesn't mean I have to force it on others. I have no qualms with the LGBTQ community, or people that are involved with it, but my main concerns are the 'representation' of these people.

remember my article on Hershey's poor choice of advertising Women's History Month? Do you also know the phrase: "History is doomed to repeat itself?"

Yeah, that's what's going down. My opinion is that trans women shouldn't be the 'voice' of women or representing women. I feel like our biology is becoming a costume, and all the science behind it is irrelevant now. Now people are saying things like: "Trans women can give birth." and "Periods are a state of mind." and one of the worst ones yet: "Trans women can have periods."

The issue here is that everyone is trying so hard to be accepting, even when it is complete insanity and there are facts to disprove some of these remarks, but the people who know better, are afraid to speak out because of the fear of being cancelled. I am not one of those people. I am not afraid of saying my opinion and displaying it for anyone to see.

There is a reason why I put those introductions on my articles that are based on my opinion. It's like a warning and an FYI. You've already been informed of what lies ahead, so I cannot be held accountable for the fact somebody who doesn't agree with me read my article. (I am open to discussion and debates, which is one of the main purposes of my blog.)

Now back to the main subject. Trans women shouldn't be representing 'cis' women. No matter what surgery, what medications they're taking, or what they're dressing up as, that is still a biological man. Now I am not the only one who feels this way. Nike has made a partnership with Mulvaney, who is advertising sports bras and is seen wearing one. This sparked an outrage and started a 'Burn Bra' challenge on TikTok. Many women and influencers have voiced their distaste and contempt against the brand for their poor choice of spokesperson. I agree with this. I am so tired of these companies trying to say: "This is a woman."

An influencer on TikTok by the handle 'chatterbox.mama' stated her anger against Nike and videotaped herself burning a Nike bra.

“Since the 1960s, we have been fighting for the right to be women,” she said.

“Nike, you should be ashamed of yourself, you chose a little boy with no breasts and some junk in his pants to represent real women.”

The TikToker declared: “Nike, I am done with you.”

“I will never, ever buy a Nike product for as long as I live,” she said.

“And there are millions and millions and millions of women just like me.”

The advertisement in question

I really am sick of this woke agenda. I applaud this woman for sharing her opinion on the minefield that is social media. I also am curious why they are advertising sport bras and are showing somebody who doesn't have breasts. What exactly is being supported?

This is womanface. A facade, a costume, the lines between what is a man and what is a woman is becoming blurred, blurred to a point where this generation can't even explain what a woman is anymore. It shouldn't be so hard! Our lives are becoming political statements and discussions.

This isn't my first 'confrontation' with Mulvaney. I have often seen videos of Youtubers talking about this person and their idea of what a woman is. I had the terrible experience of watching a couple of his videos to further extend my research. BOY OH BOY, I have never been so offended in my life. I thought that Hershey's betrayal would do it for me, but nope, this takes the cake. Their idea of a woman is so stereotypical and misogynistic, and just downright creepy. He gives the impression that a woman is a giddy little thing that likes pink, makes fashion a major part of their lives, and prances around like a deer! His personality is that of a 10-year-old girl, but to be frank, some women (me included) didn't even act this way when they were 10.

This is most likely his idea of what a woman is like

Not every woman loves pink, makes their life revolve around dresses and purses, or prances around giggling like a fairy. What's funny to me is that he talks about being a 'minority' and being 'oppressed' meanwhile he's living his best life being sponsored by all these companies, and he's the 'star.' Congratulations! I've lost my braincells and all hope for America!

The only hope I have for Americans are the people that comment on the videos he makes. I read the comments because I honestly want to know what do other people think about him. (It's good research to understand other people's perspectives.)

That was such a breath of fresh air honestly! I felt like: "Finally! Some non-delusional people!"

All I see is him being narcissistic and delusional in his videos.

Here is a list of the videos I watched (It's pretty bad, I've never rolled my eyes so much in such a short period of time!🙂):

'You can't hang from a chandelier':

*Insert an exasperated sigh here*:

I don't want to watch anymore, so those are all the links. (Help...)

Something I noticed when I watched the 3rd video on the list is how he pats Rachel Brosnahan's (Mrs. Maisel) head like a dog. Goodness gracious...

I don't see red carpet ceremonies for being a woman for a year! I don't see real women getting this treatment for being a woman. Women don't count the days they've been a woman, that's like counting rice.

My conclusion? I really don't like this person. They're representation of what a woman is and does is way off and is based on stereotypes! Like I said before, people have the right to do whatever they want with themselves, I won't tell you what they should or shouldn't do, but if this is the person that is going to be representing my gender, you are darn right I'm going to say something about it.

Now, I realize that some people may not agree with me and might call me 'transphobic' or 'homophobic' (I don't care.) If you don't agree with me, that's perfectly with fine, and everything I write about is open for discussion. However, if you cannot debate in a civilized manner and talk about it like a human being, you will be removed from my platform.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for the sources and further reading.)

Sources and Further Reading:

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