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"Go Woke and Go Broke:" Disney Please Understand That We Don't Want Reboots and Race Swaps!

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

Hello Inky Buds, I am starting this article by saying: I'm done! I am done with Disney's balderdash! If you have read my past articles on Disney's woke transformation, then you know that I have 0% tolerance for the nonsense they pull. Despite all the bad reviews they've received on the 'wokeifying' of their company, they won't let up. They've proved that they really are trying to groom the next generation and indoctrinate them with their 'acceptance,' and 'diversity/inclusivity' agenda. Before I get into it, I am going to sound like a broken record saying this, but THIS IS NOT DIVERSITY!

Just because you cast an African American actress to play an originally white role, you think that's diversity? Either Disney is extremely blind, completely money hungry, or just desperate because of Strange World's box office flop. I am done! Completely done with this 'acceptance' thing that many companies are doing. This is not acceptance at all. This is a facade, nothing more. It's a sham at 'diversity' and 'inclusivity.'

As I have said before, if companies really cared about representation and diversity, they would make new stories that are actually good and not just a way to get into Gen Z's pockets! But I guess I can't blame them on that part.

They actually attempt original content, but they don't do as well. They use old movies that have already gained a following to their advantage and reboot them and include whatever garbage into it to make more money. I am outraged because they won't stop. They don't listen to reason, and the fact that people don't like their woke garbage, they just want to get that message across that will influence future generations.

'Slaves built this country' was the point where I realized that they are purposely influencing children with these thoughts. I am fed up with it, and I am extremely disappointed in them. Unfortunately, some of the younger children of today won't ever have the originality and magic that Disney used to have.

Let's start with reboot thing. Regardless of what ethnicity the main character is, reboots are such an obvious money grab, and a sign that Disney has no good ideas left in the tank. It is so lazy and such a terrible last resort! Plus, they are milking people of color to make more money saying that it's diversity and inclusivity. Which leads me to my second issue with Disney, their poor excuse for inclusivity. I was reading more on the new Peter pan and Wendy Disney+ original, and I found out that the role of Peter pan was given to a Native American man, Tinkerbell is African American, the Lost Boys have a girl in the group (which defeats the entire purpose of the name) and Captain Hook? He remains a white man, how fitting for them to give more Anti-white ideas to children on a silver platter.

I can't believe this! I have written already 3 articles on this woke nonsense already, which I think is one too many, but I have to express this distaste and be the voice of reason in this delusional world.

The sad part is that these actors think that they are making some contribution in representation. The actress that will play Tinkerbell, Yara Shahidi says this: "I think oftentimes people think of diversity and inclusion as threatening or jeopardizing the quality of the story, instead of seeing how beautifully they can be interwoven together to create something that impacts even more people, that lets even more people into stories that we love."

A lot of people believe that expressing their opinion on this kind of subject in particular, which is usually an expression of not being happy about the lead role, and many people mistake it for racism. The reality is that these actors think they are a part of some major contribution and that they are the face of diversity when in fact, they are puppets. They are the puppets of big corporations, and the color of their skin is supposed to reel in the money. Disney is trying to show that they 'care' about diversity. They are trying so hard to look good, and for the most part it's working. People are actually believing this and applauding them for this change. Below is a video of children reacting to the new Little Mermaid trailer:

I believe that these are staged, or Disney's agenda is working. Children don't care about race, gender identity, or sexuality. They live in their own little world. They only care about it when it is brought up to them. I can understand the wanting to be represented and relating to characters, but you can't just slap an African American woman on an originally white character and call it representation. Where is the originality? Aren't people worth a new fresh story with a great hero/heroine? I think that anyone is worth a new fresh story, not just a recycled version. We need more originality! It isn't only about the ethnicity/race of a character or what changed, it is truly about the fact that Disney has lost the magic and are trying everything they can to hold onto it. They have even gone through a mass lay off recently due to their lack of funding.

The biggest box office bomb was what happened to “Strange World.”

“The fall release of “Strange World” lost around $147 million. The film feature[d] the first openly LGBTQ+ teenaged Disney character, who discussed his crush in the movie,” as reported by Fox News.

As for subscribers, Disney reportedly lost 2.4 million streaming subscribers in the final quarter of 2022.

Now the employees are paying for their stupid mistakes. Don't they know when to stop? I guess not, and this shall be lethal to their company. The recent release of Avatar: The Way of Water and Puss and Boots: The Last Wish has proved which company shall prevail, at least in my opinion. The reviews for the Avatar movie are mainly the same stating things like: the dialogue is cringeworthy, and that it is only good for its visual aspects. The overall rating is 3.5 out of 5 stars. Whereas Dreamworks' movie was rated 95% in rotten tomatoes. (I don't know about you all, but I'm siding with Dreamworks. 😋)

I have no conclusion for this article, but to sum it up, Disney's diversity ploy is a sham. I honestly would advocate for boycotting them with how much nonsense they are bringing to the table. I don't believe or fall for their 'inclusivity' one bit, and neither should you. If you are for or against my opinion, that's perfectly fine!

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for the sources and further reading. I highly recommend reading articles 3-5, they really help further expand understanding of the topic.)

Sources and Further Reading:

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