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What a Way to Start Women's History Month, Showcase a Biological Man, Thanks Hershey!

Good afternoon Inky Buds did you enjoy your day? I hope you did! I also want to wish you all a Happy Women's History Month! This lovely month will be the crux of today's article. There's nothing bad about Women's History Month, it is what the Hershey company did that triggers me. You're probably thinking: "What did Hershey do?"

Well, I have the answer to that, wokeism. Now let me say this, I don't think wokeism is entirely a problem, however it is often taken to extreme lengths to a point where its forced and unwanted. It is perfectly fine and great to be aware of injustices in society today. However, now it is aligned with people that think they're woke and are speaking out against injustice but are actually performing terrible acts. A perfect example of woke is Disney. You may know that I am no stranger to slandering Disney, but there is good reason behind it. They are a great example of woke. Lately in the new decade, big companies and corporations have gone woke by adding "diversity" and "LGBTQ representation."

Honestly, I've been waiting for which company will be next to turn woke. I wouldn't have expected Hershey's to go woke! So what is the terrible act?

Recently, they launched a campaign for the start of international women's month, which is all fine and dandy, but one of the women in question was a trans woman, meaning a biological man. Yeah...

Below is a link to the campaign.

I was dismayed and disappointed to find that one of my favorite chocolate brands has officially gone woke. 😔

My favorite candy is chocolate, so I eat Hershey sometimes. This was disappointing, it's not enough that Disney became woke, but now Hershey does too. My source of disappointment was the fact that they are portraying a biological man in a commercial to promote Women's history month. I have been meaning to write an article about this transgender representation as a whole, so now I get a chance.

I first noticed this type of issue during the Olympics, I believe it was the Olympics. So, a transgender woman (Cece Tefler) was competing in the 400-meter hurdles. I was befuddled. How exactly is that fair?

Biologically, a man has more muscle mass and is stronger and bigger than a woman. I understand that they take medications to reduce or increase some hormones, but either way, a man is physically stronger/faster than a woman. It is not fair to the other biological women that are competing against this person. I'm not saying that women don't have the strength or ability to beat that athlete, it's actual facts. "A study about males being much stronger than females, on average, physically, was carried published on the European Journal of Applied Physiology. The researchers reported that, on average, males boast 26 lbs more skeletal muscle mass than females."

(Women can boast that they have a stronger immune system, can cope with trauma better, and increased longevity, so we all have our strengths.)

So, with those facts alone, how is going to be fair for a biological woman to compete with a transgender woman?

Many people applaud Hershey for their "inclusion" and "diversity." I can honestly say that I don't accept this. That is a biological man, being shown as a woman on women's history month! I and many women have come to realize that our biology is a costume for many people, and that many people can't even define what a woman is anymore because of the fear of 'cancel culture' and backlash!

*If you are sensitive to these topics, or refuse to hear my opinion, don't feel forced to stay, you can leave whenever you would like 🙂*

Well guess what Inky Buds, this is my opinion blog, and I am going to voice my opinion on this without this fear that holds many down today.

What is a woman? This question is a question that often goes unanswered, or the answer is complete nonsense made by the woke teens/adults of today. I am here as the voice of reason to tell you.

A woman is not based on what you feel. Facts don't care what you feel! A woman has a pair of x chromosomes, can get pregnant, menstruate, and go through menopause. Those aspects alone determine what a woman is, but the wave of wokeism that has swept the United States has made it a taboo question.

I feel like every aspect of being a woman is being stolen. Men can get implants, take medications to reduce testosterone, wear makeup and other processes. It is sad. Apparently, men not only get to have higher pay, and more access to opportunities, but now we have a man campaigning for Women's History Month!

It's pathetic that these men demand we accept them for what they think they are when they can't accept themselves for what they actually are! They unfortunately think that if they get surgery, and dress up, that makes them a woman. Biology clearly explains you are either born a woman or man, and you are born from a woman!

You can explain that you transitioned, and identify as a woman/man, but that doesn't change that these transgender people were born as one or the other. It's all in your body whether you impaired some things or not.

I must say, I honestly don't care that some men want to dress up as women and vice versa, I'm not trying to gatekeep being a woman, I am trying to present the actual facts and not the delusions that people and companies force people to accept because of their woke agenda.

I am sick and tired of this woke agenda! Sadly, my generation is being recognized as these liberal hippies that go with their feelings and refuse to hear a voice of reason. (Granted, not all of Gen Z is like this, but we are all being put in one box, the box being that we are all woke.)

I really don't have any qualms with the LGBTQ+ community as people, but when it comes to this balderdash that deny facts and science, it makes me angry. This 'acceptance' and 'diversity' trip has gone way over the edge! This isn't equality or inclusivity. That is an actual man, dressing up as a woman and 'representing' women!

I know that I may be called 'homophobic' or 'transphobic,' or whatever newfangled terms we have for that type of thing, but to be frank, I don't really care. It is clearly stated on my blog that this is an opinion blog, and nobody has the right to force their opinions onto me, just as I cannot force my opinions onto them.

I don't really have a conclusion for today's article, but I hope this article helped to give a different perspective to this matter. I know this is an ongoing issue, and frankly it is very confusing, but I'm open to hear your thoughts on it as well. You're more than welcome to voice your opinions on this as well, even if it's my blog.

But remember, we have to debate with a sense of poise and rationality (props to you if you know what I'm referencing :P)

Well either way, I hope you enjoyed, I apologize if any of you were offended, but I shan't be held accountable, I placed many warnings. If you didn't take heed, that's not my fault.

Thank you for reading and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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I would love to hear your opinion, and ALL OPINIONS ARE WELCOME! 🙂

(These videos aren't mine, all rights to the owners)

(P.S. Cheers to 30 articles!!)

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1 Comment

Mar 10, 2023

I agree, womahood is being stolen from biological women everyday!!

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