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It's Officially Pride Month: Come Get Your Slice of The Pie, Corporations!

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Hello everybody. We are only THREE days into June, and there is already controversy (Lots of tea is being spilled. đŸ”) and companies trying to swoop in on pride month's monetary value. This doesn't sit well with conservatives. Target is already being brought down as a result of their pride collection, which sparked an outrage and invoked violence in some areas of the U.S.

I consider myself a conservative to a certain extent, so I understand why they are upset. However, I believe you should keep your reservations to a minimum. It's okay if you don't agree with these beliefs, but it is not very civilized to tear down the clothing, hide the clothing, and threaten Target workers. I think this is wrong (I would never do this) but I guess some people are just fed up with the left's eagerness to shove their beliefs down the throats of anyone and everyone, even small children.

I will discuss a couple of things in this article regarding pride month, which will include some opinions/ thoughts on the matter. As always, if you do not want to hear my opinion/perspective on this topic, maybe you should reconsider. If you are willing to hear a different perspective or find another opinion similar to yours, then you are more than welcome to proceed if you would like. This is just an FYI for my readers to understand what's in store for them.

Oh, and an author's note to Medium (Another platform in which I publish some of my content) I am not promoting hate, violence, harassment, 'pseudo-scientific beliefs', dehumanizing, exclusion, segregation, or 'intolerance' against LGBTQ people or their community. (Since they don't really let people with opinions about that topic to express themselves. 🙃) You can read more about that here: Opinion Intolerance: Thanks For The Email, But I'm Not Giving in Just Yet! (

Now that this is out of the way, let's begin the discussion.

Let's start with how everyone is pushing politics onto children. Whether it's in the form of cartoons, clothing, toys, brands, etc. children are having to be exposed to sexuality at quite a young age, when they really don't need to be. Grooming, indoctrination, and brainwashing are pretty strong words to use for some, but what else is there to describe this:

They even make onesies for infants:

(These are on the actual Target website in my area.)

These companies are pushing these beliefs onto children repeatedly to a point where they see it everywhere and are forced to believe the ideals that are being pushed their way since birth. The reality is that only adults are, and should be, concerned about these subjects. People forget that sexuality is how humans express and experience sexual things. Children don't need to know what goes on in your sex life. And whether you're attracted to men, women, or whatever else there is, children do not need to have that knowledge put in their heads. I would just simply like to say: "We understand you're a part of the LGBTQ community, you don't need to constantly bring it up..." or "You identify as queer, I understand, please exist in peace."

(I don't see heterosexual individuals bragging about how straight they are or how proud they are to be straight.)

Whatever happened to preserving the innocence of children? We already have illicit content that is put on the internet that children can easily see and click, but now we have to worry about our once trusted establishments trying to throw queer-ness wherever they can, even if it contradicts the beliefs that some people believe in.

This brings me to the next topic: the disrespecting of beliefs. I have written in a recent article about an instance of people not really respecting another beliefs. This was in my article titled: The LA Dodgers Are Under Fire For Choosing Not To Invite Drag Performers to Pride Night (

Which discussed the so-called 'Sisters' of Perpetual Indulgence. It is further explained in the article but here's an excerpt:

"...there have been instances of the troupe pole dancing on the cross and inverting the words of Christ saying, 'Go forth and sin some more.'

"A nun is a woman who takes a vow and dedicates her life to religion and even takes vows of chastity, poverty etc. I know I am not one to decide who should or shouldn't dress as a nun, but I don't think these men deserve to dress as these righteous God-serving women. They make religion a joke to play with as they want."

So, to sum it all up, there is a huge lack of respect on both sides of the argument. the conservatives for becoming violent with people who don't agree with them, and it's exactly the same for people that support LGBTQ people. There is a wide chasm between the two sides, and neither one is offering a lot of respect to one another. (Not all conservatives will be aggressive towards LGBTQ people and vice versa.)

I don't really agree with their life choices (it goes against my religion) but I am not going to go tell somebody from the community that they are going to Hell. They deserve to do what they wish with their lives, so I have no qualms with this. However, I have seen people who have said that they don't agree with LGBTQ beliefs be met with hatred and malice, from LGBTQ people (Like I said before, they are not all like this)

They are shunned and called 'homophobic' 'transphobic' etc. for not going along with their delusions. But people tend to turn a blind eye when a person from this group makes fun of our religions or call biological people 'cis' instead of what we are. We are just expected to deal with it, and if we speak out against or opposing it, we are homo/transphobic.

The suffix -phobia originates from phobos, which means 'fear' in Greek. A phobia is a fear. We aren't afraid of the LGBTQ community; we are just fed up with having these beliefs forced upon us and our children everywhere we look. Please let us have our own beliefs.

This also goes for conservatives. Leave the LGBTQ community alone! It is just cruel to be violent, promote hate crimes, and even kill because of your beliefs. Just as they shouldn't be able to force their beliefs onto you, you can't do the same to them. Please don't go up to people telling them that they are sinful or something along the lines of that.

There needs to be a mutual respect that has to be presented on both sides.

For example, if somebody decides that they are nonbinary (or something else) and would like to refer to they/them pronouns, at least give them that respect, you might not agree, but that's the norm in society now. That same amount of respect should be given to people who do not like the use of the word 'cis.'

I never really liked that word, and many others I know do not like it either. I am a woman, a biological woman and would like to be referred to as a woman, not a 'cis' woman, 'chest feeder' or 'birthing person.'

I am a woman. (Maybe I should write a separate article on this particular topic. What do you think?)

My main point for this section is that both sides, whether conservative or liberal, should give each other respect. Some people don't want to participate and accept LGBTQ beliefs and some people might not agree with conservative beliefs either.

And for the piece de resistance, the main reason I wrote this article: How companies are so quick to promote LGBTQ or specific ethnicities on their heritage months. On the day of May 31st, which was only about 3 days ago, I said to myself:

"How long does it take these companies to suddenly say 'We love the LGBTQ community"

1 day...

As soon as the hour turned to 12 am, I was bombarded with 'Celebrate Pride' on all platforms. From Netflix to Hulu, they pulled out the rainbow attire literally from out of their... posterior.

(Thought I was going to say assassin without the last 5 letters, didn't you? We're keeping it clean, guys!)

This is so ridiculous that there are even memes about it. Honestly, it seems like satire if you think about it.

Imagine just minding your own business. In this hypothetical situation, you have a company that went unnoticed for a long time. You consider closing up shop and pursuing a career in the form of a YouTube channel. You then get contacted by a major retail company like Target or Walmart and they want to showcase your items.

"Why so sudden?" you might think.

You look at your calendar and realize that it is a 'special' month. You know those advertisements that appear everywhere on TV that promote a certain ethnicity or group for their 'specific' month? They say something along the lines of:

"Celebrate *Insert minority or marginalized group here* month and *Insert minority group* owned businesses."

They really don't try to hide the fact that it's a money grab, do they? The 'support' you see on TV? Yeah, big corporations use the guise of 'inclusivity' to sell more. That's all you or anyone is. You are a walking money bag. Someone of any of these groups may think:

"Oh! They're celebrating my culture!"

No, my friend, they aren't. I honestly just think that it is quite unfair how these companies exploit minority groups for profits. I don't see them as eager to amplify Latino/Hispanic voices on any other month besides September or October. It's only when it's convenient. Not to mention that only specific groups get their voices more lifted and heard than others. I have noticed more than anything specific minorities get amplified year 'round. It really isn't fair that many cultures aren't really amplified as others. Some people might not realize it, but it is more or less positive racism.

Out of all these opinions I have, I'm not completely sure what the conclusion is, since there is more than one.

  1. Not everyone agrees with LGBTQ beliefs and that's okay, leave them be.

  2. Not everyone agrees with religious or anti-LGBTQ beliefs either, leave them be as well.

  3. Children should not be 'educated' on sexuality. The parents of the children should be the ones who choose to tell them, and when to tell them about these. Our trusted schools, TV networks shouldn't be the ones forcing their views and political standings on our children.

  4. Lastly, maybe think twice about trusting a company because of their 'support' for the communities that are known as minorities or have been marginalized. I don't really support the fact that these companies only accept and would like to celebrate certain groups only in convenient times like the heritage or celebratory months. It is pretty messed up that our only hopes for getting our cultures acknowledged and celebrated are at specific times and months that the U.S. government say is okay. If these companies genuinely did care about representing and celebrating these cultures, they would do it year-round, not just when it's the 'time.'

I hope you enjoyed this article. Please understand that these are my opinions. I don't expect you to agree with me or my beliefs. (That's what makes a good debate and sharing of ideas.)

I only hope that you gained a bit more of an understanding from an opposing/similar viewpoint to yours.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good dayđŸ™ïž/night🌃!

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