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The LA Dodgers Are Under Fire For Choosing Not To Invite Drag Performers to Pride Night

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing great as June is on the horizon. In search for something to write, I went to the news today. Everybody was abuzz about the LA Dodgers. I normally don't follow sports (I think it's a bit boring, in my opinion) but I was intrigued. I found that the Dodgers were going through some trouble as a result of a choice they made, which was uninviting drag performers that were dressed up as 'nuns.'

This sparked an outrage for people, especially since pride month is coming up, and caused the backlash that happened within a day. Let's get further into it.

What first caused them to change their plans was the religious community in Los Angeles. It is particularly Catholic and Christian. (Christians being about 65% and Catholic being 35%) In case you didn't know, many religions are against and don't support the LGBTQ+ lifestyle, they were outraged not only for the appearance of the drag performers, but also what they were dressing up as, which was nuns. They considered it to be a mockery of religion, and to be frank, I believe them. A nun is a woman who takes a vow and dedicates her life to religion and even takes vows of chastity, poverty etc. I know I am not one to decide who should or shouldn't dress as a nun, but I don't think these men deserve to dress as these righteous God-serving women. They make religion a joke to play with as they want.

How are you going to wear devil horns and red with an outfit that is supposed to be associated with religious dedication? This isn't their only show of them mocking religion. Apparently, there have been instances of the troupe pole dancing on the cross and inverting the words of Christ saying, 'Go forth and sin some more.'

It terrible to think that people like them want us to respect their identities, their lifestyle, meanwhile they mock and satirize other lifestyles and beliefs. If you want respect, give it, it's simple. I'm sure satirizing LGBTQ+ people will get negative responses and be met with backlash and action, but when things like religions are satirized and met with bad responses, we're just supposed to deal with it.

As a Catholic individual, I consider this a great disrespect to my religion. I can accept that people have different beliefs and lifestyles than I do, I may not agree with it, but they deserve that freedom, but when you bring somebody else's lifestyle/belief and make it a joke out of it, that's a line that has been crossed. Our beliefs are not your playthings to be 'scandalous' or 'funny,' it's just downright disrespectful and awful.

The cherry on top for all this is that the Dodgers apologized for uninviting them, and re-invited them to their event, which they accepted. Like I stated before, a large amount of Los Angeles' population is made up of quite a couple of religions, so I can imagine that their religious viewers aren't going to be very pleased with this decision.

This was a spit in the face to them honestly. I feel offended by it, so I can imagine how many viewers feel having their religion made a show of by people that their beliefs don't agree with.

Respect should be mutual from both sides. These drag performers shouldn't be mocking a religion with illicit material, and conservatives should keep their reservations to themselves. It's perfectly okay to be against something, but don't go mocking or berating people just because you don't agree with it.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for the sources and further reading.)

Sources and Further Reading:

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2 comentarios

25 may 2023

I agree, I also don't mind how others live their lives but there has to be a level of respect from BOTH sides.

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25 may 2023
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Thanks for sharing your opinion, Joan! 🌹

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