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Amputee Man From Huntington Park Stabs Pedestrian, But Ends Up Being Victimized?

Hi there Inky Buds, before I start with today's topic, I must inform you that this topic may be considered offensive or sensitive to some readers. I will be discussing the recent matter of the stabbing of a pedestrian, the man who did the crime, and his family's "fight" for "justice." Please understand that this is my opinion on the subject, and I can accept that not everybody is going to like my opinion, and not everybody will accept it. I am all for that and would like to hear your guy's opinions as well. I would like to say again that all opinions are welcome as long as they can be expressed in a civilized manner and respectfully without malice towards the party(s) being discussed.

I understand this is a bit of a heated topic, so that's why I caution my readers beforehand. Apparently, there is going to be a Black Lives Matter rally in his honor along with another person. I'll be frank here; this man does not deserve the honor of being protested for. Just because he is an African American man that will killed for evading police capture? That's the thing that some people don't understand.

The BLM movement is fine and dandy, I understand that they want their voices to be heard against police brutality (which unfortunately has a lot a colored victims) however, a lot of people either don't know, or ignore the fact that these people end up being killed because they aren't cooperating with the police. Please understand that I do NOT condone or defend police brutality. I'll use the George Floyd case as a bit of a reference. Did the police go too far? Yes, they did. The officer containing him should not have left his knee on his neck too long, and ignored the fact that Floyd stated he couldn't breathe. However, Floyd was on drugs and was completely erratic and hyperactive during the time of his arrest. He was not cooperating, but the officers went too far.

The man was named Anthony Lowe and lost his legs a year before, he also happened to be an African American man. Now let me say this, just because someone is an amputee or disabled in any way, that doesn't make them saints. This man is proof of this. Let's get some background information on this man. Anthony Lowe was a 36-year-old man who lived in California. His state was a result of an altercation with Texas police. So, he had some "history." The man that Lowe stabbed is named Ramiro, he isn't mentioned often in many of my sources. He suffered internal bleeding and a collapsed lung. This poor man is currently recovering at the hospital. The sad part is that Ramiro was walking down the street and thought nothing of his assailant at first.

“As I was crossing the street, I noticed halfway down the crossing … when the green light was on for me to cross the street. I know that he got off his wheelchair and had to stop and takes about three or four steps and looks at me, but I think nothing of it, right?” The victim tells Fox 11 from his hospital bed.

Ramiro said Lowe asked him, “Are you all right?”

He said he replied “Yes” before he: “Just punched me. But I did see the knife on him. And I took two steps forward. And that’s when I noticed the blood gushing out of [the] bottom of my armpit.”

He realized he was stabbed, not punched. He added: “Now, I understand him being in a wheelchair and everything. But why would he attack somebody like that? What’s the reason for?”

The morning that day before all this happened Lowe’s mother, Dorothy Lowe, told NBC News that her son had experienced a mental health crisis hours before his death.

He woke up that morning “agitated and frustrated” at the loss of both his legs — and that although he was scheduled to receive prosthetic limbs, he was experiencing more depressive episodes.

“That morning I felt something,” she told the outlet. “He woke up a bit off, and I asked him if he was OK, and he said: ‘Yeah, I just need some air.’ I offered to take him out, but he wanted to go out alone.”

Dorothy said she called police, who spoke to her son in her driveway at about 10 a.m.

He the responds with he's fine and just needs some air. Later this terrible event unfolds.

I must say, if his mother knew that her son was experiencing depressive episodes or agitation, shouldn't someone go with him? Somebody should already be with him because of his "state," but even more so when he has mental health problems. Even if he didn't want somebody to go with him, she's his mother. She should know when something is wrong with her child and should leap right away to care for him and give him the help he needs.

Plus, him and his family have the audacity to say that he poses no threat to anybody because of his condition. He just stabbed somebody for no particular reason, and was dealing with intense emotional problems, a combination of the two is not going to lead to a good outcome.

What would happen if they didn't use force? He could have stabbed another pedestrian. This man wasn't completely innocent. He could have unjustly taken the life of a man minding his own business, and he threatened officers with his knife. His family and many people say that he was helpless, and the "size of a child." Was he really so helpless though? He nearly killed a man and threatened to stab the police as well. If you ask me, that's not helpless. He was perfectly capable of inflicting harm on another human being. I believe that the police made a reasonable decision. This man was not in his right mind and could have killed somebody. Once again, I do not condone police violence/brutality. This situation was within the bounds of laws and wasn't a result of a power drunk cop like many suggest.

According to "As Professor Rachel Harmon explains, generally, police officers can use lethal force under two circumstances: when they have probable cause to believe a suspect poses an imminent threat of serious bodily harm and when a dangerous suspect of a crime involving the infliction of serious physical injury is attempting to flee."

Lowe was in fact a dangerous suspect of this crime. He was filmed doing it on cameras at the Shell gas station where the attack took place.

"The Court noted, however, that if the suspect is threatening the officer or there is probable cause to believe the suspect committed a violent crime, deadly force may be justifiable to effect an arrest or prevent the suspect from fleeing."

He was the subject of a potentially fatal crime, threatened officers, was armed, and was fleeing capture, the police had every right and reason to shoot him. If they shot an unarmed victim with no proof of a crime taking place, that would have been actual police brutality.

The problem is that people see the headlines of an African American man getting killed by the hands of a police officer, and automatically believe that the police are in the wrong, and that this man is the victim. People often turn away from the truth, sugarcoat it, or simply give their biased opinion of the matter without all the facts.

Many are quick to make Lowe the victim, even though he was in the wrong on so many levels. All they see is: "Black man killed by police officer" and then the BLM protests start. I begin to worry about the human race sometimes because of some people's blatantly obvious denial, or refusal to admit the wrong. I completely understand defending your family no matter the cost, but to state that this man was "innocent" and "helpless" was such a lie.

In conclusion, I believe that the police officers made the right choice. Lowe could have endangered other pedestrians just passing by like Ramiro. In my opinion, Ramiro should be getting justice. This man had nothing to do with the situation, and almost lost his life, and yet, people are making his assailant to be the victim. I hope Ramiro gets his justice and makes a full recovery.

I have been meaning to write about some of these cases for a while now. Now, some of these cases have actually police brutality taking place, but to all of my readers, please don't mistake cases like these as police brutality cases. This was an actual instance in which shooting somebody was acceptable and could have saved many lives.

Thank you for reading Inky Buds and I hope you enjoyed this article.

Have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for the credits/further reading)

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