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The Perfect Way to End 2022: Neo-Nazis Are Parading Through Maine (My Opinion on it)

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Hello Inky Buds, today's topic is a topic that surprised me when I heard about it. White supremacist groups are parading through Maine. I've read that one of the leaders moved to Maine, and their goal is to make it an ethno-white state. The population of Maine is predominantly white, but they want to keep it that way. Their main belief is that people of color will bring corruption and violence to their state. In the generation of the "woke," I had many expectations for people to be at least a bit more progressive and accept the fact that we are all the same, and the first thing you shouldn't notice about a person is the color of their skin. Granted, I am not a wide-eyed, naive member of Gen Z that doesn't know that the world is not all sunshine and rainbows. I am well aware that people are prejudiced and bigoted for the inanest and diverting reasons, but it seems that we are hardly making any progress in our society. We are always going backwards, never forwards. We are staying stuck in the past with these thoughts of slurs and stereotypes of people. I have been meaning to write a post about racism, but this set off a wide range of feelings for me. I can't believe that people are still doing this. Are we not progressive enough to go beyond these differences?

Can we see beyond the stereotypes and realize that not all Mexicans have to be maids or gardeners, or see that not every black man has bad intentions?

The worst part of it all is that the residents of Maine support this group. They are all full of ideas that people of color are going to ruin the state.

According to a commenter on the video I watched *The exact name will not be disclosed for privacy reasons*:

"Lived in Maine and in Florida my whole life, I can't put into words how tragic seeing my neighborhood in FL turn to hell over the years, while my home in Maine stayed pretty much the same, was for me. And it was hard not to notice what it was that changed. There's a reason older snow birds fly south for the winter, but we fly back north to flee the uh, "dark".

This is not the only comment that is similar to this. The comment section to the video is ridden with people supporting the Neo-Nazi group and standing up for "White America."

They also give ideas of "preserving" the community, and "putting their foot down."

These suggest that America is white land, and all these races are tarnishing its integrity.

*The following paragraph expresses many ideas and opinions I have on white power and their mindset, proceed with that in mind. *

Well, I have news for you reader. The Native Americans were here first. The whole "our founding fathers..." bit is getting old to me. The only thing these men and settlers did was plant their feet on already occupied land, and claimed it for themselves, despite whole lives and families being there.

These settlers set foot on Native American land, bring disease, bring down whole villages, and kill innocents and think: "I own this land now."

Now some people may be quick to say, "that's in the past," but I must say, many racist whites never fail to bring up their colonizing heritage. The Native Americans didn't need colonizing, they were living their simple life, not as savages, but as a thriving civilization. They lived off the land, in their villages, and a nice lifestyle of trade. They didn't need a whole group of people establishing on their land and triggering war because the settlers were greedy and going over their bounds. Agreements and alliances were made and then broken, because of the greed of settlers.

Here is another problem I have about these types of people. These people often tell others incompetently to go back to their country. I have several things to say about this notion. The people you have to blame for all the "immigrants" are your own ancestors. These racists complain about all the African American people, meanwhile their lazy ancestors brought them over from their homes for the sole purpose of nurturing their greed to feel in control. They felt the need to take many people from their homes to serve them. Those slaves from back then have descendants that are alive now, so thank your inhumane ancestors for all the "blacks" walking around that you detest oh-so much.

Now, I believe that not all white people are racist, and they don't deserve to be all lumped in as one bigoted whole. Just like how not all people of darker skin are criminals. I believe with every fiber of my being that all lives matter. No culture or ethnicity matters more than the other, and none should be more entitled than others.

When I hear about all these racist organizations, I can't help but roll my eyes. The neo-Nazi group in Maine is called NSC-131, and their leader recently came to Maine, and is living there currently with his "people." I have found this so insanely ignorant that people are still like this today. It is like they are making a new version of the KKK. I can honestly say that I'm appalled and disgusted. Is there no rational thinking anymore? I believe that a future of equality isn't in the cards for us unfortunately.

The asininity of people with these xenophobic mindsets are causing us to evolve backwards. We are going to end up living in the past. We'll never progress forward from these stereotypes and idiotic thoughts at this rate. These extremists are a huge step back for humans. We can't look beyond the color of somebody's skin. A genuinely kind or intelligent person may be prevented from being all they can be because of their skin color. It's not their fault, it is the closemindedness of the employers and many people.

All this must be enough to make you wonder, why? What drive people to be racist, to deny their own species opportunities because of the melanin that they lack?

According to "Attitudes of extreme hatred are usually based on fear. They come from primitive survival mechanisms—our instinct to avoid danger—to fear anything that appears to be different, which leads to fear of the other."

The mentality of xenophobic beliefs is one of the factors to why we as humans haven't moved forward.

Another factor is the need to belong. The us-versus-them layout builds a sense of security and bonds the person with their group, these mainly identify with extremist groups and neo-Nazi groups. The idea is that "we all hate____." That similarity brings them together and bonds them together, or at least gives them that feeling of belonging that humans crave.

The next factor is something we all can be guilty of, projection. It is common in bullying, but also fuels racist views and poor resolve. "The things people hate about others are the things that they fear within themselves,” says psychologist Dr. Dana Harron. “The idea here is, ‘I’m not terrible, you are.’ The individual holding the hate believes on some deep level that these things may be true about themselves."

Our last reason is as simple as emotional incompetence. Emotional competence describes the ability a person has to express his or her own emotions with complete freedom. This personal emotional competence is based on a person’s recognition of individual emotions and how emotions affect other people, and it is also based on the ability to maintain emotional control and adapt.

Now we know what some causes of racism are, and how they motivate people. Unfortunately, these 'motivations' can grow to be violent, even fatal. This unfortunately was the case for a man named Ahmaud Arbery. He was a 25-year-old African American man. He was murdered 2 years ago in 2020 due to a racially motivated hate crime. He was jogging in Satilla Shores, a neighborhood in Glynn Country, Georgia. Three white men in a truck pursued Arbery for several minutes, and even used the vehicle to block his path as he tried to escape. Two of the men, Travis McMichael and his father, Gregory McMichael, were armed in one vehicle. Their neighbor, William "Roddie" Bryan, was in another vehicle.

Travis McMichael exited the truck and assaulted Arbery with a shotgun. Arbery tried to defend himself, but then got fatally shot. Bryan recorded this confrontation and Arbery's murder on his cell phone.

Members of the Glynn County Police Department (GCPD) arrived on the scene soon after the shooting, but no arrests were made for more than two months. The GCPD said the Brunswick District Attorney's Office first advised them to make no arrests, then Waycross District Attorney George Barnhill twice advised the GCPD to make no arrests, once before he was officially assigned to the case, and once while announcing his intention to recuse due to a conflict of interest.

This is very disappointing and saddening. Just because this man was jogging in "their" neighborhood and assumed him as a suspicious person. This was a very cruel and unjust action, and these motives are tearing people apart, and when I see people advocating these extremist groups like the NSC-131, it gives me an intense feeling of anger. I mainly try to remain neutral in some matters that are political and try to give my posts both sides of the story. However, I know where I stand with racism. I am unwaveringly against these injustices caused by the discriminatory nature that is plaguing people today.

Thank you for reading Inky Buds, it felt nice to express my feelings on this topic. I have often anticipated writing about racism in future posts, but now I got the opportunity to do it. I hope you've learned something from this and learned a bit more about this topic. It is a topic I am very passionate about resolving and ending. I want to help people further understand the severity of racism and how it affects many. I will end todays post with just this:

Racism is real, and only we as humans can progress beyond this.

Thank you again and have a good day🏙️/night🌃.

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