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Zodiac Signs: The Pseudoscience and How it Effects People's Minds

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Good day Inky Buds! Today's topic is an interesting one. As the title states, we will be delving into zodiac signs. Over the course of decades, zodiac signs have become more and more popular to a point where it is commonplace to start a conversation with a new person with one question: "What is your zodiac sign?" Now it isn't much of a problem, I see it as this fun thing to find out and could also help with buying gifts. But sometimes, people take it way too seriously. I'm talking about making huge lifechanging decisions or avoiding certain things because your horoscope said so. Occasionally, I find horoscopes in my newsfeed for a specific day. Sometimes I look at them for fun. Like this for example: "ooh! Libra's going to have to make a big decision with their significant other!" I find myself sarcastically laughing at this one because I have no significant other. That just goes to show that they aren't always accurate. Not to mention the weird things like: "your aesthetic based on your zodiac sign" or "What car you should buy based on your zodiac sign."

It has come to a point where people are going strictly by their horoscope, and what is being told they should like, all because of a zodiac sign, which has minimal accuracy in real life situations.

Now, before I get into that topic, it leaves me wondering: "where did zodiac signs come from?" Well let's find out together!

The word "zodiac" derives from the Latin word "zodiacus" meaning "circle of animals." Which then comes from the Greek word ζoδιακoς κύκλος (zōdiakos kuklos) which also means "circle of animals."

According to "The derivation of the word ‘zodiac’ is from Greek words – ζoδιακός or zōdiakos – described the circle of twelve 30° divisions of solar longitude that are centered on the ecliptic (the Sun’s path). In astrology, this word also has a meaning – that’s, the ‘circle of animals."

Some of the first appearances of zodiac animals came around 1500 BC, which had similar constellation names to the ones of today such as The Lion and The Scales. There isn't only one type of zodiac table, there is also Chinese zodiacs and even Babylonian zodiacs. We use the Western Zodiac, which was developed in Europe and America. As many of you know, your zodiac sign is deciphered by the month and day you were born on. They are listed below with their element and sign:

  • Aries- March 21 - April 20♈Fire

  • Taurus- April 21 - May 20♉Earth

  • Gemini- May 21 - June 21♊Air

  • Cancer- June 22 - July 22♋Water

  • Leo- July 23 - August 22♌Fire

  • Virgo- August 23 - September 22♍Earth

  • Libra- September 23 - October 22♎Air

  • Scorpio- October 23 - November 22♏Water

  • Sagittarius- November 23 - December 21♐Fire

  • Capricorn- December 22 - January 20♑Earth

  • Aquarius- January 21 - February 18♒Air

  • Pisces- February 19 - March 20♓Water

So not only do you have a sign, but you also have a designated planet, house, and element. Plus, you can also see what your zodiac sign is known for, acts like etc. I have a great example of an instance in which zodiac signs may not be accurate. What better example than myself? My sign is a libra. The scales known for wanting peace and equality, also known for being personable and social. They also hate being alone and love social media. I laugh at these inaccuracies, since I am the opposite of what my sign says, but am I going to go start being sociable because I'm a libra? No, of course not. I am perfectly content with my introverted tendencies. Sadly, many people don't think this way and take their sign's personality traits too seriously. I've heard of people not ending starting relationships with other because their signs aren't compatible...

Completely and utterly ridiculous if you ask me. This makes me wonder something else as well. Why do people feel so attached to their zodiac signs? Are they so indecisive in important matters that they depend on a questionably accurate series of answers for closure? Maybe they don't have enough personality for themselves, and they use zodiac signs to seem more interesting to others.

Let me firmly say this, I am not shaming people who believe in astrology or zodiac signs. I am simply giving my opinion that it is unwise to depend on horoscopes for decisions. So, I must say this, the sky doesn't control you. You take a hold of your own life.

Now, I have read up on astrology and why people trust it so much. Yes, I did my homework on this subject. I want answers to the question, so I'll find them. I have found that it helps with anxiety and stress. The horoscopes help people get ready for the future and uncertainty. In fact, a lot of stresses are the result of things like work, relationships, and other issues. So, it remains easier to follow some "guidelines" or some type of aid to help with the maze that life is.

Not only that but according to Dr. Kim Lamana Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at DeVry University, “People, especially younger generations, are connected to their zodiac signs because it gives them a sense of identity, helping them to define who they are as individuals. It also gives them a sense of control over their day to day lives as it gives them a feeling that they can predict what will happen in the future, thus reducing anxiety.”

Ideally, people use horoscopes to prepare themselves for the future and what may lie ahead, whether it be adversity, disaster, or something happy.

This is okay, as it can make a good coping method. BUT! people still find a way to make it go overboard. It comes to a point where their life revolves around being exactly like their sign. I believe that this is a form of autosuggestion. Autosuggestion is the hypnotic or subconscious adoption of an idea that one has originated oneself, e.g., through repetition of verbal statements to oneself in order to change behavior.

People even decide that someone of a particular sign is not to be trusted because they are an Aries. Or that all Capricorns are reliable and self-critical. Here is another problem with the horoscope thing. People often read their horoscopes and compare it to aspects of their day. This technique is called 'cold reading.' It is commonly used in psychics and mentalists.

For example, when psychics say things like: "I sense that you are insecure." or "You have a box of old photographs in your house." People take things from their day and apply it to their horoscope. Like when a horoscope states that you'll have conflicts, or a lot of change is ahead. People will find any little thing possible to try and make it seem like the horoscope is true.

"The most common way astrology is explained in psychological terms is the Barnum effect, which is a tendency for an individual to believe vague or “Barnum” statements when told it applies specifically to themselves or a group they belong to. (I’m such a Pisces.)"

Let me break it down. The Barnum effect causes people to falsely believe that personality descriptions are accurate when they could actually apply to anyone. It's named after P.T. Barnum, a 19th century showman who made his name promoting hoaxes and deceptive pranks.

This leads people to believe that it's true and not a hoax. This also goes for those MBTI personality type tests. This also leads me to find how are horoscopes predicted. "Most daily horoscopes are written by using sun signs based on the position and effect of the Moon. The Moon changes signs every two to three days, which in turn affects our moods and emotions, so daily horoscopes are written based on where the Moon is, and how that will generally affect each sun sign on that day."

It is not guaranteed that you will have a bad day because the moon moved slightly though.

In my conclusion, horoscopes and zodiac signs can be fun. But understand that it is all baseless and unscientifically proven and don't base your entire life on it. I admit, I occasionally look at my horoscope for fun. I sometimes like to see what the verdict on how my day was "intended" to be like. Long story short, I think that these should be a source of amusement, nothing more. So, don't go live life based on your horoscope, or sign compatibility. You control your own life Inky Buds, don't let the stars tell you what to do. If you are interested in that sort of thing, don't let me stop you, but I don't recommend making important choices based on your horoscope. I caution my reader to think twice before believing horoscopes. That doesn't mean completely swearing them off. You can read them for fun of course!

"Uh oh! Dark times are coming for Sagittarius!"

"oooh! Virgo should expect a confession today!"

Thank you so much for reading Inky Buds! I hope you learned something today! Today's topic was actually pretty interesting, and I enjoyed it!

Have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for credits/further readings)

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