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Younger People These Days Lack Respect, Are Parents Getting Soft?

Boy ignoring his mom

Hey there, it's good to see you whether it's again, or you're a newcomer, it's great to have you! Today's topic is one that has been bothering me lately. (Not a sincere distress, just as something I should write about.) I was on YouTube today and I encountered a video of something that made me quite uncomfortable, and it honestly made me cringe. It was a video of a father telling his children 'Good morning,' and one of the children had an awful response. Here's the link to the video I saw:

I hope I'm not the only one who felt like that child who should not be talking to their dad like that. If you didn't see the video, the boy responded to the greeting with:


(Thanks for giving me something to write about YouTube.)

I wonder how the parent doesn't say anything about that. I try not to judge parenting strategies too much, especially since I myself am not a parent, but I do have a bit of a background with dealing with children.

(Cue anecdotal example and this sound effect:

I grew up with younger siblings, so I learned how to interact with my younger siblings. I didn't give the disciplinary action, that was my parents' job, but I knew when they gave me attitude or complained when I asked them to perform a task. My 'jurisdiction' was scolding, basically telling them what they did wrong, and not to do that again or else they would get punished. The punishments would range from a time out to getting your devices/ video games taken away, it depended on what you did and how many times you were told not to do it (e.g. jumping on the couch, or not respecting each other's boundaries)

My parents weren't huge fans of spanking, but it was the 'last resort' for especially bad circumstances like very bad back-talk/attitude or hitting your sibling. (Which is why I don't understand how that child could talk to his dad like that...🤨)

Long story short, we all learned from our mistakes with that discipline, and it made us strong and reflective individuals. It combined freedom with just the right amount of strictness. It also shaped us in ways that helped us in the real world like being respectful to your superiors (which were our parents at that time.)

Now back to the present day, children in the present seem to lack the proper discipline and overall people skills. From talking back to their parents, to being spoiled little brats when their parents don't buy them the new Fortnite Battle pass, these children really lash out to the point of having temper tantrums like 2-year-olds. Though arguably, these little crotch goblins aren't completely at fault (sometimes), as the saying goes 'Children are a reflection of their parents.'

In the video I mentioned earlier, do you hear the father telling his son not to say that? He could have at least said:

'Billy (not his real name), I'm your father please don't talk to me like that.'

Or 'I'll smack you back to the womb if you talk to me like that!' -My mom, 2023.

No response, which is mostly likely why his son is talking to him that way. He's not receiving any form of punishment or discipline for giving attitude to his own dad to he thinks that he can do it again because 'What's going to happen? They don't punish me for it.'

However, everyone is different, and the situation will be different as well. Maybe this boy's parents don't want to punish him, maybe they fear he will hate them, or maybe they are neglectful and let him do as he pleases. It's hard to say, it isn't a 'one-size fits all' situation. Parenting strategies have evolved as the years went and continue to go on. People back in the day used to smack their kids with a paddle and flush out their mouths with soap if they said swears, obviously soap is not for your mouth and parents now are actually afraid to hit their kids, thinking it will result in a call from CPS. It is true that discipline and even parents back then were a bit *ahem* unhinged, but it should be understood that not all discipline has to be physical.

take away phone, mom taking phone

Take the tablet away, no PlayStation for a week, sit in the corner, no going out tonight, something like that. You can't be afraid to tell your child that they aren't supposed to act this way. Comments of this video have expressed a similar opinion to mine like how the parents should discipline their children, and how parent and child relationships resemble that of a slave and master relationship. I honestly agree. I've seen videos of people on YouTube doing things like 'obeying my child for 24 hours' or videos like this...

obeying child for 24 hours.
What even is the target demographic?

Overall, the idea is tending to the child's every whim like a servant. These children become spoiled brats and eventually entitled adults and I'm sure you know that places like work and school don't tolerate behavior like this. That makes it harder for them to thrive and become capable and self-sufficient adults. I'm not saying that you shouldn't spoil your children, I think it's perfectly fine to buy them something just because, or give them a great birthday party, but I wouldn't recommend dedicating your time into turning them into spoiled little monsters with no respect for their parents.

Like I stated earlier, there is more than one cause or factor that makes a child similar to the one in the video. One of the more prominent causes seems to be the internet. No, I am not a boomer that just hates the internet (How would I have this blog without it?) and the new generation, it has come to a point in which the internet is becoming a roadblock for literally everything. It's preventing parents from doing their parental duties since they'd rather be watching some people play pranks on one another than pay attention and spend quality time with their child(ren.) There's also the fact that parents shove screens in front of their children to keep them occupied silently and for prolonged periods of time. So, what happens when you have a bunch of people in a home who hardly interreact with one another? You'll most likely get outbursts like these because children don't even know how to act around their own parents. There is another factor in this, which comes in the form of YouTube channels or family vlogs. But before I discuss further, I'll ask you a question:

"How would you react if you see a little kid calling his friend a son of a *female dog,* or telling their teacher to shut the *fudge* up?"

(We're keeping it clean, friends!)

You can be honest, that generates a couple of laughs, chortles, or side eyes, doesn't it? It's funny because it's outlandish to hear a child swearing like a sailor, at an adult or peer no less. (Sorry to ruin the joke by explaining it.)

There are a lot of family YouTube channels which are based on recording things the family does, more or less based on the activities and lives of the children. So how do you rack up view for a channel? Do something scandalous, eye-catching, hilarious, just something that will pique the curiosity of viewers.

"Little Gregory said his first word? Who cares about that? Oh! His first word is *ship*? That's interesting!"

Or... "My goodness! Connie is telling her parent what to do for an entire day? How will that unfold?"

(I made it a bit more dramatic, but you get the point?)

These children will think that it's okay to treat their parents terribly and swear at them because their parents convince them it's funny and that it's okay. "It's all for the views!"

"The viewers will love this!" Those children might not know when to stop or have realized that their parents are laughing, and the viewers find it funny so it must be okay. Again, parents are a reflection of their children.

However, there is also just the simple fact of the child doesn't want to listen or is a two-faced demon. (Satire.)

Some children act like little angels around their parents and act terribly to friends and teachers (vice versa) or just simply don't like getting told what to do.

two faced

It's hard to say what is what since not everyone is the same, not all families or their children will respond to the tactics and parenting that another family practices.

I guess the point I was trying to make out of all this was that we need to prioritize manners and put a bit more time into teaching children about being great and capable adults. Children should be taught to be thoughtful about others, listen to their parents, and good values like 'Patience is a virtue'.

There are also things (I think) that parents should learn as well. Don't be afraid to punish/ground your child for terrible behavior and good behavior gets rewards, talk with your child, spend time with them, and not to be afraid to say no. Like I said before, I'm not an expert on parenting or have kids on my own, these are opinions and 'notes' from observing my own family's ways of parenting.

I hope you enjoyed or at least learned something that you might apply into your own life.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for sources and further reading!)

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