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Yes, You Can Be Racist Against White People...

'All white people are racist!'

'All white people are colonizers!'

'White people are arrogant.'

'They are materialistic!'

'White people are greedy and privileged!'

These, among others, are common stereotypes against white people. Yes, there are stereotypes against white people as well, and yes, you can indeed be racist against white people. Racism by default is 'prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group.'

By this logic and with the fact that Caucasian is an ethnicity, you can be racist against them, and it is wrong. No racism is justified. Let me give a hypothetical situation.

Carl is a guy who recently got neighbors that happens to be Latino. They are nice people, and they haven't met Carl yet.

Carl feels uneasy about his new neighbors. He often tells his wife about the Hispanics that moved next door and says that he is worried about getting robbed or the 'parties.'

What is wrong with Carl? He is racist. I never introduced his ethnicity, but I bet some of you imagined Carl being a white man, which is a stereotype in itself.

(Carl seems like a white name, but who can assume for sure he is white?)

Carl seems like a total cockalorum to me...

Alright, now let's imagine a woman named.... Betsy.

Betsy has made several points on white people, saying they make her 'uncomfortable' and that it is just white people who make her uncomfortable. Now imagine that sentence but talking about a minority group. Pretty racist right? But unfortunately, people don't think it is. They think that just because some white people were aggressors to people of color in the past, they get to 'return the favor.' I've seen people when addressing this topic talking about how people of their ethnicity have struggled against white people in the past, or even now, but there is no way to justify racism, even against white people.

Just because Hispanic people went through dehumanizing prejudice in the past, that wouldn't give me the right to be racist toward white people.

Nobody deserves prejudice for their skin color. It's okay to be white, and it's okay to be proud of who you are. I advocate for all lives matter, meaning no life matters more than another, especially when referring to skin color. Black lives don't matter more than Asian lives, nor do White lives matter more than Hispanic lives. And to say so is still racism. We all need to let go of the past. We'll never move forward at this rate.

You won't even know for sure that all White people are descended from colonizers or racists, and even if it was the case, it's wrong to rebuff a person because of their ancestry. They are not their ancestors. For example, if someone is descended from slaves, that doesn't automatically make them a slave. We are free. We are not oppressed. And we are not just the color of our skin.

I can't believe this needs to be said at all. (I mean, I did choose to write it, but this is something people believe is right, being racist against white people)

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading it, and as always have a good day🏙️/night🌆!

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