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Woke Parenting is Going Too Far!

Hello! Another widely debated and controversial issue coming your way! Like the past couple of articles, this one is more opinion based than others, but it will be back up with facts of course. I should also mention that I'm not trying to persuade anyone. You can raise your baby however you want; I can't tell you anything about that, this is just my opinion.

So, I came upon this topic by watching a video introducing a child, but the child's parents are apparently raising the child nonbinary. Why? Just why? All this is going to do is make the child insecure before their even a teenager!

It's going to be hard for them to fit in anywhere or be comfortable because they are going to practically have an identity crisis. I don't really advocate for exposing your child online on your socials (they won't get privacy) but this is a whole new low. I'm pretty sure this is done to be accepted online. It's obviously not for the sake of the child, who can't even speak yet.

Below is the link to the video:

So first of all, I don't care what you identify as, nonbinary, woman, man, it's not really my problem honestly, but when things like this are circulating, I lose hope for humanity. This poor child is going to be so confused. I think that you shouldn't just force these ideologies upon children. People are trying to make children as young as 4-years-old 'transgender.' Children do not care about this stuff unless it's brought up and they become aware of it.

Children are barely finding out the differences between males and females, and then there's these parents that are like: "Oh yeah, my 7-year-old is transgender. They felt like they were a girl in a boy's body." (Or something like that.) Children wouldn't even understand what that's even about, (Heck, I'm still confused.) unless it is brought to their attention, and they are exposed to it. It has come to a point where children are having politics shoved down their throats, because their school is teaching them these things, or their parents were a successful example of the agenda working.

Children should be worrying about what their favorite color is, what they want to be when they grow up, not whether or not they feel more like a girl or boy. It's insane, but it gets worse. People are 'fighting' for the right to have minors mutilate their genitals and get medication to transition. Kentucky passed the law the ban gender-affirming care to minors a couple of weeks ago, and I think it's a great call. If children aren't old enough to vote, enlist in the military, drink alcohol, then they definitely don't need to be able to make life altering decisions like changing their gender.

Your idea about something changes as you get older. I'll use myself as an example of this. I didn't stay with the same career choice I did when I was younger, it changed a couple of times. I wanted to be a marine biologist, archaeologist, until I finally settled and found my calling was writing.

This would be the same for children and teens alike when it comes to gender identity. Here is another example:

I am a person that doesn't really enjoy wearing vibrant and 'feminine' colors like pink, (I felt like something out of a candy shop) so I'd prefer darker muted colors (still do) but that doesn't automatically make my parents say:

"Oh, she doesn't like pink, we have to transition her now!"

Or that I didn't cower and cry around bugs like a little girl is 'supposed to do', they aren't going to say:

"She likes bugs, that must make her more of a boy, let's go to the hospital!"

I understand that not everyone is like my parents, and not every is like me, but things like that are outrageous, and are practically the main mindset of many parents in the 'inclusive' age. If an individual wants to transition, that's fine with me, but it's different when it comes to children. They aren't mentally mature enough to understand or think thoroughly about the process. These children grow up and regret transitioning at such a young age. All they have to do is wait until they are 18 years of age, which is reasonable!

If a 10-year-old comes up to their parent and says that they don't feel comfortable in their body, they don't need to be transported to the hospital to go change themselves. They just need someone to understand and listen to them. After all, that's what parents are for.

In conclusion, nobody should be following the ideals of woke parenting. This whole article isn't me saying shun your children that feel this way. If your child confides in you regarding their sexuality, accept them. Children need the utmost support of their parents, not for them to reject them or force these thought onto them that they have no idea what they even mean.

I hope you enjoyed the article.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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