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Why the U.S. Government is to Blame for the Declining Health of Their People

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Good evening, everybody! Today's post is going to be about another current issue and ongoing issue. This post is going to cover a wide range of problems. If you live in the USA, you'll understand this issue. But what is the issue? Well, this issue is going to be about how affordable junk food is, but healthy foods are expensive. How is this an issue you may ask. I'll also introduce the fact that many Americans are experiencing health issues as a result of it. Obesity, heart disease, liver failure and many other diseases are plaguing Americans today, and it's not entirely their fault.

What people from other countries don't realize is that we have to pay a very hilarious amount of money per product if we want to increase our longevity.

For health reasons, I decided to change my eating habits for the better by choosing organic alternatives, less processed foods, etc. but I have noticed the outrageous prices of all natural products. It's insane, and I am not being dramatic. I have seen maca root powder that charges $2.25 for an ounce, and the bag itself is 4 ounces. Unfortunately, it just so happens that unhealthy food gives more of a bargain. I've seen value packs of 20- something ramen cost only about 5 dollars!

I understand the whole supply and demand thing and how people would like to be compensating for their product cultivation, but how is an American supposed to go healthy when the only food they can afford is junk food that is surely leading them to their death. You can call me a conspiracy theorist (I don't care) but I personally feel like this is done on purpose. Not to mention that so much garbage is being put into our foods that we don't even realize. Other countries ban the use of some types of products, while it's perfectly legal in the United States. A good example is that chicken is being washed with chlorine, yes, the same stuff in pools, to rid meat of bacteria. While this was banned in Europe, and has proven to be a threat for children, the U.S. states that there's nothing wrong with it.

Don't believe me? In the U.S., BHA and BHT are flavor enhancers and preservatives that are widely used in a variety of different foods in order to make things taste good and give them a longer shelf life. BHA is listed in a U.S. government report on ingredients that are “reasonably anticipated” to be human carcinogens, meaning it probably causes cancer. And yet, it’s still everywhere.

There are countless examples of foods that have things we don't even know about it. Obviously, it's not put on the front of the label for everyone to see, no one would buy it, but nonetheless, it's there. In case you don't know, companies have a terrible tendency to hide things like side effects and the "evil" ingredients that a food harbors. For example: Warning: This product can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. This is found in a lot of things, so much it's outrageous!

My research on this subject has uncovered so many examples of foods that are killing us, the majority of them contain carcinogens, not to mention the government clearly jots down which products are known as carcinogens and contain poisons. So why are they being fed to these unsuspecting citizens. There are a lot of reasons, which might be my opinion, but I've narrowed it down to things like population control, or something as simple as greed. These companies are the biggest over believe it or not.

Their main desire and motivation is money. Just money. They don't care about what it costs, who dies, or what is at stake, all anyone cares about is a green piece of paper with an old man on it, it just so happens that these pieces of paper get you far in life (Thanks for introducing money pilgrims! 🙄) But that's not the main point. The main point is that the greed of these big corporations is costing the lives of many Americans by the lack of availability of healthy food. Of course, it's not just the corporations, the government steps in with some of the pricing, so they are to blame for the availability of unhealthy food, and the unavailability for healthy food by making it unreasonably expensive. How is any American going to seek a healthy lifestyle when half of a week's earnings is wasted on food, which will eventually go down the toilet!

I just think that this is a terrible issue that should be fixed, because nothing is worse than having your physician telling you that you have health issues like high cholesterol or heart diseases all because of what you eat. But if that kind of food is the only thing available to you without hassle, then it's inevitable to have health complications.

But a pretty big question I have, that I can't find any direct answer to, is why other countries ban the usage of these products, and the U.S. can't? These countries don't experience much hassle from it, and even thrive more from it, even their citizens throve more from it.

Speaking of that, have you noticed the portion sizes of different countries compared to the U.S.? I remember watching a video on U.S.' McDonald's vs. Japan's, and the portion sizes were noticeably smaller! The link to the video is below if you would like to check it out:

I honestly feel that we are eating into an early grave and being held at the mercy of these big corporations and the U.S. government's involvement. This country is truly corrupt and greedy, they just do a better job at hiding it than others. I wish things could be different, I would even consider moving to Europe or Japan to have a better chance at longevity! In the U.S., it would be extremely difficult to stay healthy when the only foods that are available to the middle class and lower class are absolute garbage.

We're being fed like the pigs they sell to us! Fattening and fattening until we die, but for what reason? What is to gain from all this death? That's where my 'absurd' theories come in. I tend to overthink a lot, so I make several possible scenarios for questions I don't know the answer to.

The way I take this is that only the wealthy survive and live healthy lives. It is mainly the middle to lower classes that have to resort to eating garbage to survive. A wealthy person can afford to spend irrational amounts of money on healthy food, and in return they get a long life, and less chances of cancer or obesity.

This could also be a form of population control. Obviously, it would put the government in a bad light if they suddenly killed a bunch of people to keep the population at bay, so how do they keep the population from fluctuating too much. As you may know, America has a pretty big problem with things like overpopulation, which also causes problems like deforestation and homelessness. So, they probably figured out a way to make a 'silent killer.' They make this poison more available, and the populations of the lower class/poverty fraction goes down. Not to mention that it has become so increasingly common that nobody bats an eye. They also put these 'warnings' on the wrapping so that the companies can avoid lawsuits.

It is so disgusting what people are going through because of this. Obesity is becoming even more common, and it's even affecting the children of today!

This is extremely cruel, and there is no good reason as to why this should be happening. Other nations thrive without these poison-laced products, why can't we?

Why do these health complications have to be the norm of the U.S.?

Why do they shove this food in our faces to eat, and make it so that we are forced to eat those poor excuses for food when there is no way that an average U.S. citizen could even afford to convert to a healthy lifestyle?

I am convinced that the country is poisoning their citizens, and there is no way you can shirk it. The motive however is unclear, but that was my perception of a possible motive. In order to lead a healthy life, your best bet is moving to another country, preferably one that doesn't stuff you like a pig until you die of a heart attack. 😐

I know that this article was short, but it was mainly an opinion, that was also backed by facts. This article was, fortunately, a bit more straight to the point, but either way, I hope you enjoyed!

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for the further readings, I recommend these to expand your understanding on this subject, the last one is a doozy!)

Further Reading:

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