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When I Watch Movies, I Don't Want a Pushed Agenda

Hello everyone, I have a question, why do we watch movies? Is it to entertain, see a reflection of yourself in the screen, go to distant lands and experience scenarios we wouldn't witness for ourselves? There is a variety of reasons, but I love to watch movies that don't really revolve around this world, like fantasy, sci-fi, among others. They introduce scenarios we wouldn't experience for ourselves in our lifetime. I don't think any of us will ever travel to the fictional planet Pandora, go on adventures with pirates in search of mermaid's tears, or slay demons that want to inflict harm on humans. These are things we wouldn't see for ourselves in the world today, which is why I gravitated towards fantasy themes. Sometimes you get tired of the politics going on in our world, all the conflict, the pain, the poverty, you just let go for a second of our corporeal struggles for about an hour or two.

Let's use the movie Into the Spider-verse as an example. It's one of my absolute favorite animated films I've had the joy of seeing. Let me ask you this (if you've seen the movie):

Do you ever hear Miles Morales talking about how he's part of a minority group at all in the film? Does the film even acknowledge his race as something negative or even positive? It doesn't mention it at all. Why? Because he is just Spiderman! He isn't Black Spiderman or Afro-Latino Spiderman, he is just Spiderman! It allows the viewer to delve into the world of superpowers and realities colliding, without having to focus on a political standing of view.

Another good example is the Super Mario Brothers movie. Another movie I liked, a marvel of animation, and was overall enjoyable. No politics whatsoever. It allows us to go into the world of princesses, torch flowers, giant evil turtles, and pipes that lead into other dimensions.

Now, don't think this is me saying that political movies are bad, they aren't, but I'm just saying, that if I expect fantasy or sci-fi, I'm not expecting this world's division to be 'cleverly' woven into it as a part of pushing a political agenda into it. However, movies about politics or controversies can be great like The Sound of Freedom, it gave insight of the horrible world we live in where children can be trafficked into sex. It's informative, and it's a story in itself.

In that movie, you expect controversy and taboo, in the animated movies, you expect a good time with your children or teens. Now, for some reason, the Mario Brothers movie has been controversial and called anti-woke because of a lack of 'diversity.' But why do all movies suddenly need to show some type of political standing now? (Actually, Hollywood has always been a propaganda machine, but it's become steadily worse.)

It's a children's movie! We don't need a hyper fixation of how Luigi might be a pansexual nonbinary person. I missed when it was all about making good movies. No political standing needed, just a bunch of people coming together to make something great that will withstand the tests of time. And just because the movie didn't have any wokeness in it, doesn't mean the company is anti-woke, the movie just wasn't woke, and it doesn't have to be!

With all the politics everywhere, we look today in America, it causes more people to gravitate to other media, actually original media! I got into anime when I was about 9 years old, which feels like centuries already! There was gripping plots, eye catching art styles, which only continues to grow and change, and best of all, it is not centered around politics! I can go into a world of pirates and literally expect pirates (not under tones of minority narratives and propaganda) or a world of sailor scouts and fighting evil by moonlight.

All I'm saying is that I'm watching fantasy because I expect fantasy, not the exact same thing I'm seeing out in this world. Political/woke movies can be great, but I hate when the ideas of politics are forced when they don't even need to be, and where it's out of place. (Like what Disney is doing now.)

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading it, and as always have a good day🏙️/night🌆!

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