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The Pink Tax: Something All Women Should Be Concerned About and Should Take Action Against.

Hello, Inky Buds, I hope you've all been well. So, recently I've been looking for inspiration to write about on the opinion section of my blog, and I came across something regarding the pink tax. I don't exactly remember what it was, but this has been something I thought about writing about. Today's topic is going to be about the pink tax. Some of you might not know what this is, or it might not even have been brought to your attention, but that's part of my objective here on this blog. So, diving right into the post, we will discuss the awful marketing scheme that is the pink tax.

So, what exactly is the pink tax? The pink tax has been a problem in America since always. This problem is that products that are direct towards women, hence the name 'pink tax,' cost much more than men's products. Things like razors, menstrual, and other items cost more, because they are for women. As a part of my research process, I went to the Target website and searched a model of razor. There were 2 models, same brand same kind, only difference being that one of them was pink. Below is an image of my findings:

The pink tax is as real and as parasitic as a tick. So why do these products cost more, despite being the exact same brand and model?

Well, it is no secret that if something takes a lot of money to make, it is going to cost more to purchase. This is incorporated into all things, including something as menial as shaving utilities. The pink color needs that all other colors are removed and then it is added to get the dye into the pellets. Women’s razors are expensive due to the higher production cost involved in the pink dying process. While men’s razors come in far cheaper colors.

Yes, women's razors have things like 'silk extract' or a rounder razor head for navigating different 'terrain.' But there are other areas in which the pink tax is spotted more easily. Shirts, hotel personal care kits, bike helmets, toys, even calculators!

If it is the color pink, it costs more. It's all over the place and it's almost impossible to get away from. It has even come to a point where menstrual products cost so much money! This leads me to discuss the tampon tax, an extension of the pink tax. We have to pay so much money for something that gets thrown away, that we have no control over! It is a body function, and there is no way to stop or prevent a period, and yet we are paying so much money for these things we need.

According to, U.S. women $3 billion annually on menstrual products. That is so much money! We have to pay anywhere between $10-$23 for a pack of pads. It's insane, and to top it all off, we still have a pay gap!

Women aren't being paid as much as a man is, and yet we are expected to pay almost twice the amount of money for a product that we absolutely need, or a product just because it's the color pink! In 2022, women earned 17% less than men on average, plus, women earn just 82 cents for every dollar a man makes. The pay gap is even worse if you are a woman of color, especially if you are a Latina or African American woman.

So, with all this, why do we have to pay the price because these big corporations want to color code us and make us waste our money because they wanted to make it pink. There are other colors to use! If it is directed towards women, it doesn't have to be pink! Why do we pay the price of these decisions? It all just seems like they have been trying anything they can to keep us from prospering. They are finding more ways to keep women down in any way they can. We've come so far as women, don't get me wrong, but there are still many things we need to address in order to be truly equal to men.

Before I wrap up this article, I should mention something that I found during my research. Condoms cost a lot less than period products. According to estimates from the National Organization of Women, the average woman spends $20 on feminine hygiene products per menstrual cycle. However, condoms are usually sold in packs of 3 for about $2 to $6 and in packages of 12 or more, condoms usually cost less than $1 each!

This is so unfair and is a perfect example of inequality. Sex is a choice, our periods aren't! We are paying more for something we need, versus men paying far less for something that contributes to a choice! I am going to end this article a bit differently today, with a hashtag. Feel free to circulate it, and make this problem heard, and spread the awareness!

I am so glad I got to express this topic with you all. I hope you all enjoyed this article, and I hope you will spread the word of this issue.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for the Sources and Further Reading.)

(Here's to 40 posts! 🥂🍾)

Sources and Further Reading:

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Avi Yadav
Avi Yadav
Apr 16, 2023


Apr 16, 2023
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