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The Most Messed Up Crimes From Around the World

!This article is for educational and entertainment purposes only!

Hello everyone, earlier this week I was taking a stroll down memory lane, since we're so close to 60 posts (More than halfway to 100) and I saw my old post about cold cases. Some of you might remember, some might not. For those who don't, here's the link:

I wrote this back in December of 2022. Ah memories... So instead of my usually controversial posts, I decided to pay homage to this post. Now, I'm an opinion blogger as my main topic, but sometimes I like to throw in a couple of things like: 'A history of horror,' or 'A chronicle of torture devices.' I guess it kind of keeps you guys on your toes, doesn't it? 😉

Anyways, before we officially start, I should warn you, these aren't crimes that are society's standard of a 'normal' murder. We aren't discussing Dahmer, Bundy or Gacy.

This article will contain things like torture, rape, intense gore, and overall messed up murders. This article is not for the faint of heart! You have been warned, you decide to read further.

Case 1: The Hello Kitty Murder Case (Warnings: Mention of rape, description of torture, gore.)

"Wait what?!" You read that right. No, Hello Kitty didn't commit the murder herself. Sanrio's mascot is fairly innocent. The reason this case got its name is a bit more gruesome. It all takes place in Hong Kong, a city known for its vibrant urban landscape. The year? 1999.

No matter how beautiful the place may be, it's what's under the surface that raises a couple of eyebrows. It all started with a resident of this vast city; a woman named Fan Man-yee.

Let's get to know this woman, because the background plays a role in the story. Fan Man-yee was born in 1975 and was abandoned by her family at an early age. She grew up in an orphanage in the Ma Tau Wai region of Kowloon City. At 15 she had to leave the orphanage, there was an age limit to the residents. This resulted in her becoming homeless and having a drug addiction. She would then become a prostitute until the age of 21, which was when she started working at a brothel in the Sham Shui Po region of Kowloon City. Fan eventually married one of her clients, who was also a drug addict, in 1996. They had a son 2 years later in November of 1998.

It wasn't a fairy tale life; her husband was an abusive man. Neighbors would later report hearing sounds of the couple's fights and their child crying from their own apartments. When her son was born, Fan decided that she needed to turn her life around so she could provide her son with a safer life. She quit prostitution, her drug addiction, and left her husband soon after. She was a hostess at a night club for some time. She had much lower income than her previous job, so she struggled to support herself and her son.

In early 1999, Fan stole the wallet of regular at the club named Chan Man-lok. The wallet contained about $4,000 (HK currency, about $500 USD) When Chan realized what had happened, he demanded Fan return the money in addition to a fee of $10,000 (HK currency, $1,274 USD.)

She returned the wallet, but she didn't have the means to pay the 'fee,' for that, she needed more time. On March 19, 1999, with two associates, 27-year-old Leung Shing-cho, 21-year-old Leung Wai-lun, and Chan’s 14-year-old 'girlfriend' (who was actually a victim of his grooming) Lau Ming-fong, he kidnapped Fan Man-yee and stashed her in a Hong Kong apartment. They imprisoned her there for a month, and Chan had the intention to exploit Fan to other men and make money off of her.

During this month, she was tortured and raped.

!Graphic content warning!

According to one source, she was beaten with metal bars, sometimes while being strung up and used as a punching bag. On one occasion, Fan was kicked in the head around fifty times. Spices were rubbed into Fan's wounds, her legs and feet were burned with candle wax and hot plastic so that she was unable to walk, she was forced to consume human feces and urine, and she was forced to smile and say she enjoyed the beatings; if she refused, they subjected her to even harsher torture.

She eventually succumbed to her injuries and went into a traumatic shock. Fan succumbed to her wounds between April 14 or April 15, 1999.

When her captors found her dead, they dismembered her, boiled the remains, discarded her remains, except for her skull. They sewed the skull into the same Hello Kitty plush shown at the beginning of this article.

Only her skull, one tooth, and some internal organs were recovered in a plastic bag, after Lau led the Yau Ma Tei police to the scene on May 24.

On December 7, 2000, after a trial which lasted over six weeks, the three men were convicted of manslaughter, as the jury ruled the remains were not sufficient to show whether Fan was murdered or died from a drug overdose. While the jury could not rule that the men intended to kill Fan, they did determine that she had died as a result of their abuse. Lau testified at the trial in exchange for immunity. During the trial, Chan and Leung Shing-cho denied killing Fan, although they did not deny dismembering her body.

The justice sentenced the trio to life in prison without the possibility of parole. "Never in Hong Kong in recent years has a court heard of such cruelty, depravity, callousness, brutality, violence, and viciousness." The judge Peter Nguyen later stated. Psychiatric reports of Castle Peak Hospital and Siu Lam Hospital described the three as "remorseless". There would be no review for parole for twenty years, i.e. until 2020.

The men are currently serving their life sentences in Stanley Prison. After the trial, it was kept by the forensic pathologist in the Kowloon Public Mortuary until the appeal process of the prisoners was completed, and her birth family was notified in March 2004 that the skull would be returned and cremated on March 26.

A necklace that belonged to Fan was handed over to Fan's son after it was discovered in the refrigerator during the investigation. It is rumored that Fan's son and husband now reside in Singapore.

One of the men managed to reduce his sentence to eighteen years for appeal (was released in April of 2014) but was arrested and sent to jail again in 2022 for sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl.

This is probably one of the worst cases on this list, but it's not the worst case on this list.

Case 2: Dennis Nilsen (Warnings: necrophilia and gore)

This next case is terrible. It's probably one of the most messed up cases I've ever read honestly. I was very hesitant to write about this case, it was a whole other level of creepy and twisted, but I found other articles on it, so it was kind of reassuring that other people wrote about this case on platforms like Insider and BuzzFeed. So here I am, writing about this sick man named Dennis Nilsen. What makes him so sick? What about him made me so iffy about including his case in this article? We'll get into it right now.

Dennis Andrew Nilsen was born on November 23rd, 1945 in Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, the second of three children born to Elizabeth Duthie Whyte and Olav Magnus Moksheim (who had adopted the surname Nilsen.)

The marriage between Nilsen's parents was difficult. His father did not view married life with any seriousness, being preoccupied with his duties with the Free Norwegian Forces and making little attempt to spend much time with or find a new home for his wife. After the birth of her third child, Nilsen's mother concluded she had "rushed into marriage without thinking." The couple divorced in 1948.

He was a quiet and adventurous child, and had a great attachment to his grandfather, whom he viewed as a hero and his protector. His grandfather passed away of a heart attack at the age of 62, he was out fishing in the North Sea. After the death of his grandfather, Nilsen became quieter and more withdrawn. His mother made him see the body of his grandfather before explaining to him what had happened. That reportedly instilled in him a fascination with death and corpses.

When he was an adolescent, he discovered his sexuality, and had inappropriate intentions and relations with his siblings. He reported molested his younger sister Sylvia, and his older brother. It is also rumored that he was attracted to boy that looked like his sister.

Following his high school graduation, he joined the British Army as a cook. He later retired from the army in the early 1970s and began working first as a police officer, then as a security guard in London.

!Graphic content warning!

Between 1978 and 1983, Nilsen is known to have killed a minimum of twelve men and boys, and to have attempted to kill seven others (he initially confessed in 1983 to having killed about sixteen victims). The majority of Nilsen's victims were homeless or gay men; others were heterosexual people he typically met in bars, on public transport or outside his own home.

He usually gave his victims food and alcohol, and then strangled them to death. Sometimes the victims would go unconscious instead of dying, so he would then drown them in his bathtub. He would then bathe, clothed and kept the bodies in his home. He would talk with them and have sexual relations with them. After a few weeks or months, he would dismember them, and dispose of them in a bonfire.

Prior to their dissection, Nilsen removed their internal organs, which he disposed of either beside a fence behind his flat or close to Gladstone Park. The victims killed in 1982 and 1983 at his Muswell Hill residence were retained at his flat, with their flesh and smaller bones flushed down the lavatory.

Nilsen's murders were first discovered by a Dyno-Rod employee, Michael Cattran, who responded to the plumbing complaints made by both Nilsen and other tenants of Cranley Gardens on 8 February 1983. Opening a drain cover at the side of the house, Cattran discovered the drain was packed with a flesh-like substance and numerous small bones of unknown origin.

Cattran reported this to his supervisor Gary Wheeler. As Cattran had arrived at the property at dusk, he and Wheeler agreed to postpone further investigation into the blockage until the following morning. Prior to leaving the property, Nilsen and fellow tenant Jim Allcock convened with Cattran to discuss the source of the substance.

Upon hearing Cattran exclaim how similar the substance was in appearance to human flesh, Nilsen replied: "It looks to me like someone has been flushing down their Kentucky Fried Chicken."

At 7:30 am the following morning, they arrived at the residence, but to their surprise, the drain had been cleared. This obviously aroused suspicion of the quiet resident Nilsen.

" Cattran discovered some scraps of flesh and four bones in a pipe leading from the drain which linked to the top flat of the house. To both Cattran and Wheeler, the bones looked as if they originated from a human hand. Both men immediately called the police who, upon closer inspection, discovered further small bones and scraps of what looked to the naked eye like either human or animal flesh in the same pipe."

The remains were taken to a mortuary, in which the pathologist confirmed that the remains were humans.

Upon learning from fellow tenants that the top floor flat from where the human remains had been flushed belonged to Nilsen, Detective Chief Inspector Peter Jay and two colleagues opted to wait outside the house until Nilsen returned home from work. When Nilsen returned home, DCI Jay introduced himself and his colleagues, explaining they had come to enquire about the blockage in the drains from his flat. Nilsen asked why the police were interested in his drains and also whether or not the two officers present with Jay were health inspectors. In response, Jay informed Nilsen that the other two were also police officers and requested access to his flat to discuss the matter further.

They followed him into the flat, and noted the stench of rotting flesh as they walked in. Nilsen questioned the police and why they were so interested in the drains. They told him about the whole ordeal, to which he responded by feigning shock and disgust. "Good grief, how awful!" He responded.

"Don't mess about, where's the rest of the body?" Jay demanded.

Nilsen responded calmly, admitting that the remainder of the body could be found in two plastic bags in a nearby wardrobe, from which DCI Jay and his colleagues noted the overpowering smell of decomposition emanated. They dared not open the cupboard, but they questioned him if there were any more remains on the premises. Nilsen said this:

"It's a long story; it goes back a long time. I'll tell you everything. I want to get it off my chest. Not here—at the police station."

He was arrested under the suspicion of murder and taken to the police station. While on the way to the police station, Nilsen was asked whether the remains in his flat belonged to one person or two. Staring out of the window of the police car, he replied, "Fifteen or sixteen, since 1978."

That evening a superintendent, DCI Jay, and the pathologist Bowen, returned to the residency and retrieved the plastic bags. One of the bags contained 2 torsos, both dissected and another bag containing internal organs of the victims. The second bag contained a human skull, which had no flesh on it whatsoever, a severed head, and another torso that still had its arms intact, but the hands were missing. Both heads were exposed to moist heat.

Unfortunately, these weren't the only 'skeletons' in his closet. There were more human remains stored in a chest in his living room and remains in his bathroom drawer.

The dismembered body parts were the bodies of three men, all of whom he had killed by strangulation—usually with a necktie. One victim he could not name; another he knew only as "John the Guardsman", and the third he identified as Stephen Sinclair.

He also confessed that in early September of 1978, he killed around 12 to 13 men at his former home 195 Melrose Avenue.

Nilsen also admitted to having unsuccessfully attempted to kill approximately seven other people, who had either escaped or, on one occasion, had been at the brink of death but had been revived and allowed to leave his residence.

Nilsen was adamant that he was uncertain as to why he had killed, simply saying, "I'm hoping you will tell me that" when asked his motive for the murders.

Once the victim had been killed, he typically bathed the victim's body, shaved any hair from the torso to conform it to his physical ideal, then applied makeup to any obvious blemishes upon the skin. The body was usually dressed in socks and underpants, before Nilsen draped the victims around him as he talked to the corpse.

He claims that he never penetrated his victims because his victims were "too perfect and beautiful for the pathetic ritual of commonplace sex."

Nilsen stated that he had frequently boiled the heads of his victims in a large cooking pot on his stove so that the internal contents evaporated, thus removing the need to dispose of the brain and flesh. The torsos and limbs of the three victims killed at this address were dissected within about one week of their murder before being wrapped in plastic bags and stowed in the three locations he had indicated to police; the internal organs and smaller bones he flushed down the toilet.

This practice—which had led to his arrest—had been the only method he could consider disposing of the internal organs and soft tissue as, unlike at Melrose Avenue, he had no exclusive use of the garden of the property.

When questioned as to whether he had any remorse for his crimes, Nilsen replied: "I wished I could stop, but I couldn't. I had no other thrill or happiness." He also emphasized that he took no pleasure from the act of killing, but "worshipped the art and the act of death."

Nilsen was brought to trial on 24 October 1983, charged with six counts of murder and two of attempted murder. He was tried at the Old Bailey before Justice Croom-Johnson and pleaded not guilty on all charges.

Croom-Johnson sentenced Nilsen to life imprisonment with a recommendation that he serve a minimum of 25 years' imprisonment.

He went through a lot of prisons; inmates didn't really take a 'liking' to him. One confrontation resulted in him needing to get stitches.

"In 2003, Nilsen was again transferred to HMP Full Sutton, where he remained incarcerated as a Category A prisoner. In the prison workshop, Nilsen translated books into braille. He spent much of his free time reading and writing, and was allowed to paint and compose music upon a keyboard. He also exchanged letters with numerous people who sought his correspondence. Nilsen remained at HMP Full Sutton until his death on 12 May 2018."

He died of natural causes.

A post-mortem examination revealed that the immediate cause of Nilsen's death was pulmonary embolism and retroperitoneal hemorrhages.

Below is a list of his victims:

Stephen Dean Holmes (killed December 30, 1978)

Kenneth Ockendon (killed December 3, 1979)

Martin Duffey (killed May 17, 1980)

(No picture)

William Sutherland (killed August 20, 1980)

Unidentified (killed October 1980)

Nilsen's sixth victim was described by the monster as a slender male prostitute.

Unidentified (killed November 1980)

The victim was described by Nilsen as being an English vagrant in his 20s, whom he encountered sleeping in a doorway at the top of Charing Cross Road.

Unidentified (killed between November and December 1980)

The last victim to be killed in 1980 was a "long-haired hippy", aged between 25 and 30.

Unidentified (killed January 4, 1981)

Nilsen's ninth victim was described as an "18-year-old, blue-eyed Scot" who wore a green tracksuit top and trainers.

Unidentified (killed February 1981)

Nilsen did not recall much about this victim, other than the fact he was originally from Belfast and was in his early 20s.

Unidentified (killed April 1981)

Nilsen met his next victim, an English 'skinhead' aged approximately 20, at a food stall in Leicester Square in April 1981.

Malcolm Barlow (killed September 18, 1981)

Malcolm Barlow went back to Nilsen’s home to thank him after he was helped during an epileptic seizure but was killed at Melrose Avenue.

Graham Allen (killed September 1982)

Tourist Graham Allen, 27, had been attempting to find his way to Shaftesbury Avenue in London’s West End, he bumped into Nilsen, who invited him back to his flat for dinner. and subsequently killed him.

Stephen Sinclair (killed January 26, 1983)

Sinclair, 20 was also killed at 23 Cranley Gardens in Muswell Hill and was Nilsen's final victim. He was a heroin addict who engaged in acts of self-harming.

These crimes were unforgivable, and I hope their families will find peace.

Case 3: Junko Furuta (Warning: Description of torture, mentions of rape and sexual abuse, graphic violence description, and gore.)

If you've made it this far, congratulations. You most likely have a strong stomach, and your heart is not faint, but quite dauntless. Remember when we discussed the Hello Kitty case earlier?

I said: 'This is probably one of the worst cases on this list, but it's not the worst case on this list.'

You have reached the worst case on this list, and probably any list. This case sickens me. It will shake you to the core. This case is about a 17-year-old girl named Junko Furuta, who was tortured throughout the span of 44 days.

Ms. Furuta was a normal high school girl and was by all means a good person. She was well-liked by her classmates, had good grades, was popular, and was rarely absent. She had dreams to be an idol singer and planned on going on a trip after her graduation. She saved up for it by working at a plastic molding factory.

(Not the exact factory she worked at)

On the day of November 25th, 1988, Furuta finished her shift and was riding her bike home at about 8:30 pm. Two boys, Hiroshi Miyano and Nobuharu Minato were wandering around the area with the intention of robbing and raping women. They spotted Furuta and Miyano ordered Minato to kick her off of her bike. He did as instructed and fled the scene. Minato played the role of an onlooker and offered to walk her home.

As soon as he gained her trust he raped her in a warehouse, and again in a nearby hotel.

From the hotel, Miyano called Minato and his other friends, Jō Ogura and Yasushi Watanabe, and bragged to them about the rape. Ogura reportedly asked Miyano to keep her in captivity in order to allow numerous people to sexually assault her.

The group of four had a history of gang rape and had another girl before Furuta. They released her after the ordeal.

Around 3:00 a.m., Miyano took Furuta to a nearby park, where Minato, Ogura, and Watanabe were waiting. They had learned her home address from a notebook in her backpack and told her they knew where she lived, and that Yakuza members would kill her family if she attempted to escape. The boys took her to a house, which was owned by Minato's parents, and they gang-raped her.

Furuta's parents grew worried and contacted the police on November 27th. Furuta's kidnappers told her to call her parents to call off the investigation. They told her to tell her parents that she was safe and that she ran away to a friend's house.

One of the worst parts about all this was that Minato's parents had full knowledge of the girl being tortured and held captive in their home. Minato's parents later claimed they did not intervene because they were afraid as their own son was increasingly violent toward them.

For 40 days, Furuta was stuck in a hell that she most definitely didn't deserve.

She was forced to remain naked or wear little clothing while she was there. She would often be left to sleep on the balcony without any warmth or clothes. They hardly gave her food, so she had to resort to eating cockroaches and drinking urine. The food they did give her were very small portions and mainly consisted of large amount of alcohol and milk, which then became only milk.

During the time she spent there, she was raped repeatedly by different men. Not one did a thing to help her or thought anything was wrong. She was tied up and used as a punching bag, sodomized with several objects, lit on fire, had candle wax poured on her eye lids, forced to smoke cigarettes and inhale paint thinner, and they sometimes even urinated on her.

The group's accounts state that they inserted objects in both of her orifices (vaginal and anal orifice) these objects consisted of metal rods (which they also beat her with) bottles, and even lit matches and fireworks.

There was a time during all this in which she tried to call the police. Due to her injuries, it took her a full hour to crawl from upstairs, downstair to the kitchen. Unfortunately, she was discovered, and that resulted in a very harsh punishment.

Due to her severe injuries and infected burns, she became unable to go to the downstairs toilet, and became confined to the floor of Minato's room in a state of extreme weakness.

The attacked drastically altered her appearance. Her face was swollen and almost unrecognizable, her body was crippled, her skin was covered in burns that burst out with pustules, and a rotting smell emanated from her still-living body.

This caused the group to lose sexual interest in her, so they kidnapped and raped another girl who was on her way home from work.

On January 4th of 1889, Minato played a game of mahjong against Furuta. She won, and Minato was furious. He poured lighter fluid on her body and set her on fire, (accounts say that she tried to put it out, but slowly became unresponsive) dripped hot candle was on her face, and forced her to drink her own urine.

After she was kicked, she fell onto a stereo unit and collapsed into a fit of convulsions. Since she was bleeding profusely, and pus was emerging from her infected burns, the four boys covered their hands in plastic bags. They continued to beat her and dropped an iron exercising ball onto her stomach. Their accounts say the attack lasted for about 2 hours. This time, she did not survive. She succumbed to her wounds and died.

According to Wikipedia: "Less than 24 hours after her death, Minato's brother called to tell him that Furuta appeared to be dead. Afraid of being penalized for murder, the group wrapped her body in blankets and shoved her into a travel bag. They then put her body in a 55-US-gallon (210-litre) drum and filled it with wet concrete. Around 8:00 p.m., they loaded it and eventually disposed of the drum in a cement truck in Kōtō, Tokyo. During her captivity, Furuta had mentioned to her captors several times that she regretted not being able to watch the finale episode of Tonbo (Dragonfly とんぼ). "

"Miyano found the videotape of the episode and placed it in the travel bag. As he later explained, it was not because he pitied Furuta, but because he did not want her to return as a ghost and haunt him."

On January 29th, two of the boys from the group were arrested for the gang rape of a girl they raped in December.

On March 29th, two police officers came to interrogate them, as women's underwear had been found at their addresses. During the interrogation, Miyano believed that one of the officers was aware of his culpability in Furuta's murder. Thinking that Jō Ogura had confessed to the crimes against Furuta, Miyano told the police where to find Furuta's body. The police were confused, they were talking about an entirely separate woman. The other woman was found by a mother and her 7-year-old. The case that the police were referring to remains unsolved. Miyano confessed accidentally.

The authorities found the oil drum that encased the girl the next day. They identifyed her via fingerprinting. On April 1st, 1989, Ogura was arrested for a separate sexual assault, and subsequently re-arrested for Furuta's murder. The arrest of Watanabe, Minato, and Minato's brother followed. Several other accomplices who participated in abusing and raping Furuta were officially identified, including Tetsuo Nakamura and Koichi Ihara, who were charged with rape after their DNA was found on and inside the victim's body.

It is alleged that Furuta was actually pregnant when she was found.

All four defendants pled guilty to "committing bodily injury that resulted in death," rather than murder. In July 1990, a lower court sentenced Hiroshi Miyano, the leader of the crime, to 17 years in prison. He appealed his sentence, but Tokyo High Court judge Ryūji Yanase sentenced him to an additional three years in prison. The 20-year sentence is the second-longest sentence given in Japan before life imprisonment. He was 18 years old at the time of Furuta's murder. Minato would eventually be arrested again for slitting a man's throat in 2018.

Yasushi Watanabe, who was originally sentenced to three to four years in prison, received an upgraded sentence of five to seven years. He was 17 at the time of the murder. For his role in the crime, Jō Ogura served eight years in a juvenile prison before he was released in August 1999. He is said to have boasted about his role in the kidnapping, rape and torture of Furuta.

The attackers received very small sentences for how awful and messed up this crime was.

Furuta's parents were dismayed by the sentences received by their daughter's killers and won a civil suit against the parents of Minato, in whose home the crimes were committed. Miyano's mother reportedly paid Junko Furuta's parents ¥50 million (US$370,000) in compensation, as ordered by the civil court, after selling their family home.

Her funeral was held on April 2nd many of her friend showed up:

"Jun-chan, welcome back. I have never imagined that we would see you again in this way. You must have been in so much much suffering... The happi (festival coat) we all made for the school festival looked really good on you. We will never forget you. I have heard that the principal has presented you with a graduation certificate. So we graduated together—all of us."

" Jun-chan, there is no more pain, no more suffering. Please rest in peace..."

At her graduation, Furuta's school principal presented her a high school diploma, which was given to her parents. The location near where Furuta's body was discovered has been developed since and is now Wakasu park.

I felt terrible after reading about this case for the first time. Nobody deserves this. It still saddens me to this day, and to think about how many people could have done something, could have helped and thought 'Maybe the screaming and crying upstairs isn't normal.' Not to mention that the Japanese law did practically nothing for her. A killer is a killer, it doesn't matter whether they're 19,18,17, they still participated in the abuse and killing of an innocent girl. It's terribly sad to think about these crimes. What was lost, what could have been, it is all so sad.

I only wish that the victims found peace after a terrible end. /no one deserved what these people went through. 🕊️

Thank you all for reading. I'm sorry if it was a bit intense. Even I sometimes wince when I read these again.

I hope you all have a good day/night and stay safe out there!

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(Stay tuned for the sources and further readings;)

Sources and Further Reading:

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May 10, 2023

I never would have read something with this title if it wasn't for you Inky Rose. You give such a variety for your readers. Keep them coming!

May 10, 2023
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Thank you!

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