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The Lizzo Controversy: Let Me Explain

It truly is a time for controversies and celebrities to shine within this last month, isn't it? From Colleen Ballinger (whom I was writing about during this time) Doja Cat, and now, Lizzo. It seems like people are getting in trouble left and right. I basically just woke up one day, checked the news, and found the internet in a tizzy! Why? Because some people who worked with Lizzo in the not so far past, came forward with some intriguing and shocking information about the working environment Lizzo put them in. To put it briefly, about 3 of the dancers who were one Lizzo's show Watch Out for the Big Grrrls, came forward and explained that Lizzo created a hostile work environment for the dancers, which included things like body shaming, sexual harassment, among other things, which I will discuss in full detail later.

I have been briefly exposed to Lizzo, and never touched on her music again. It really wasn't my cup of tea, it felt.... generic. I also never really liked her as a person either, she felt off to me. Maybe it was the fact that she kept talking about the fact she doesn't need anybody (Not in the social pariah way I am) but in a way that she seems full of herself. Or maybe it was her 'hit' book: 50 Reasons Why Lizzo is Perfection.

Hinting at your narcissism, Lizzo? How about her 'I am oppressed/ I am marginalized' speeches, her excitement to expose her gluteus maximus in a literal butt window at a PUBLIC game, where there most definitely will be CHILDREN, or how she rampantly defends obesity.

Please put it away...

It's crazy to me how she seems like this philanthropist sweetheart, and then you have people exposing her BS. I guess it's true when they say 'never meet your heroes...'

With all that out of the way, I will now explain the controversy. Though I should say this before I begin:

Trigger warning/disclaimer: This article mentions body shaming, sexual harassment, alcoholism, abuse, and overall, just bullying and hostility in the workplace.

With that, let's dive into the details.

The lawsuit in question was filed by three of her dancers, Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams and Noelle Rodriguez. They stated that the events unfolded in early 2023. Williams and Davis were working on her show Watch Out for the Big Grrrls, in 2021, and got fired this year. Rodriguez however started working with the singer in 2021 but got resigned in 2023.

The lawsuit alleges nine areas of misconduct in total related to their experience on Lizzo’s “Special” tour. Some of these claims are made against all three defendants including Lizzo, Shirlene Quigley, and Big Grrrl Big Touring Inc., while others are only alleged of some of the defendants. The civil lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court and could result in monetary damages for the plaintiffs if it were to move forward and the defendants were found liable. (Vox.)

The plaintiffs claimed that they felt their jobs were always in danger and precarious, they always felt they might be fired. They also mentioned that they had to carry out illicit and lewd requests to keep their jobs. Occasionally, the requests were sexual. They stated that Lizzo pressured them to attend a nude dance performance in Amsterdam, which involved Lizzo coercing her dancers to touch the breasts of one of the dancers (the nude dancers)

Davis said no, but she says Lizzo led a group chant to pressure her to do it, “demanding a visibly uncomfortable Ms. Davis to engage with the performer,” according to the suit.

Eventually, after being pressured, Davis “briefly touched” the performer’s breast, the lawsuit says.

“I was very, very mortified, everyone burst into laughter,” Davis told TODAY in her Aug. 2 interview.

Davis also stated that Lizzo suggested one of her dancers to 'take it off' and get on stage.

Unfortunately, there is more...

Shirlene Quigley, the dance captain, is also alleged to have been guilty of 'religious harassment' The suit alleges Quigley spoke extensively about her religious views as a Christian and berated those who didn’t share these beliefs. The lawsuit claims that Quigley discussed one of the dancer's virginity, without her consent. There was also an instance of a group prayer taking place, that was apparently mandatory, since it was requested that ALL the dancers joined in, disregarding their own religious beliefs.

Ms. Quigley

All three defendants did little to remedy such actions despite knowing about them, the lawsuit claims.

And then, there is the hostile work environment. The dancers underwent an excruciating 12 hours of rehearsal, which was a result of Lizzo suspecting her dancers of drinking before their performances. She demanded that they're audition on the spot. Davis stated in the suit that she was so afraid of getting fired that she didn't even dare use the bathroom, so she ended up wetting herself. Williams says she confronted Lizzo in a meeting, saying it wasn’t true that the dancers were drinking before shows.

“Well if you’re not, then good for y’all,” Lizzo allegedly replied.

On April 26th, Lizzo's tour manager fired Williams, stating it was a result of budget cuts.

According to

'The suit also describes an alleged meeting with dancers on April 27 in which Lizzo “repeatedly” referenced Williams’ termination, allegedly telling her team that she had “eyes and ears everywhere.” Davis recorded this meeting because she suffers from an eye condition that can make her “disoriented in stressful situations,” according to the suit.'

Days later, Lizzo allegedly held an 'emergency meeting' when she found out that the meeting was recorded. She “became furious, hurling expletives at the group and stated that she was going to go around the room, person-by-person until someone told Lizzo who made the recording,” according to the lawsuit.

Davis stated that she didn't mean any harm by it, and that she deleted the video. Lizzo allegedly responded, “There is nothing you can say to make me believe you.”

Davis was fired that day, and the third dancer involved in the lawsuit, Noelle Rodriguez, resigned, according to the lawsuit.

Lizzo's alleged response was 'cracking her knuckles, balling her fists, and threatening Rodriguez saying:

‘You’re lucky. You’re so f***ing lucky!’ the lawsuit alleges.

“Neither security nor management did anything to de-escalate the situation. As Lizzo left the room, she raised both her middle fingers and yelled, ‘Bye, b**ch!’”

The racial harassment claim is linked to what the suit describes as comments “charged with racial and fat-phobic animus" that were made by touring company employees.

According to

'In one instance, the former dancers asked to be compensated for their downtime at a rate 50% of their weekly pay, according to the suit. An accountant allegedly responded to the request by offering 25% and scolding them for being “unacceptable and disrespectful.”

One of the dancers has even accused Lizzo of weight shaming in very 'demoralizing' ways. (All I have to say is, friendly fire will not be tolerated. Is that too offensive?)

Her entire brand is uplifting women, being a 'girl boss,' body positivity and self-love.

I guess that DNA test had surprising results! As it turns out, she's 100% a hypocrite! Apparently, it's okay for Lizzo to shame others about their weight, but you can't do the same to her! Got it! I do have one question though: 'Where are all the feminists?'

You hear about feminists protesting against sexual harassment in the workplace, even if their boss just glances at them a way they don't like, but oh wait, it doesn't count! Why? Oh yeah, the patriarchy! Only male bosses can sexually harass their workers! Only male bosses are absolute dictators in the workplace and endanger employees! I guess it just doesn't count...

I can't help but think, what if this was a man? If a man was 'alleged' (key word there, meaning said without proof.) to have done these acts, he would be experiencing a great deal of scrutiny and backlash from the public.

From all this, you'd think she'd have something good to say about it, like an 'I'm sorry?' Nope, this is what she said:

“As an artist, I have always been very passionate about what I do. I take my music and my performances seriously because at the end of the day,” she wrote. “I only want to put out the best art that represents me and my fans. With passion comes hard, work and high standards.”

“Sometimes I have to make hard decisions but it’s never my intention to make anyone feel uncomfortable, or like they aren’t valued as an important part of the team,” she wrote, adding she is “not here to be looked at as a victim, but I also know that I am not the villain that people in the media have portrayed me to be these last few days.”

“There is nothing I take more seriously than the respect we deserve as women in the world. I know what it feels like to be body shamed on a daily basis, and would absolutely never criticize or terminate an employee because of their weight,” Lizzo continued. “I am hurt, but I will not let the good work I’ve done in the world be overshadowed by this. I want to thank everyone who has reached out and support to lift me up during this difficult time.”

I imagine her victims felt more than 'hurt.'

Nobody was even trying to victimize her; she is doing it herself. It's ironic how the 'most oppressed' people out there, like how she dubbed herself, turn out to be the worst oppressors. They use their victimized outlook as a shield or protection.

It's hilarious how today it seems like people run around crying and complaining about -ists and -phobes, but the ones doing all this are who they accuse other of being. It's insane.

She is also using 'passion' as an excuse. It's like when terrible people say 'I'm doing it for you!' when in reality, they are endangering the people they're trying to 'help.'

What makes all this worse is that she knows what it's like to be body shamed. Don't you think that would stop her from dehumanizing these poor women? Like: 'I know what it's like to be called hurtful names because of your body, let's work through it together'

Instead, she's the very thing she swore to destroy.

Not to mention, director Sophia Nahli Allison, who was in 2019 briefly attached to a documentary about the singer, blasts her, calling her “arrogant, self-centered, and unkind.”

Hypocrisy at its finest...

I have a feeling more people are going to come out about this as time rolls on, that's how the #MeToo movement progressed into a cultural phenomenon. I can't really take sides yet, so I am a neutral for now. I never really liked Lizzo as a singer, and she just seemed very pushy about her beliefs. 'Hey! I'm obese! LOOK AT ME! I'm oppressed because I am two minorities in one!'

She also says she's a Christian, but no Christian would do things like this (A true Christian), and this gives religious people a bad name. Don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch.

I admit, I am rooting for the dancers, and with all the people testifying, from those dancers, to even a director, it's hard not to believe it. It just seems like people are letting fame get to their heads, same thing is happening to Doja Cat. (Should I write about her?)

If it is true, I think it is, I hope she gets what she deserves, even if she is a woman, she shouldn't be given the 'go easy on her' outlook. Man or woman, white or black, that is a major offense, and it should be treated like one.

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed and as always have a good day🏙️/night🌆!

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