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The Just Stop Oil Protester Make a Valid Point, But a Wrong Action.

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Hello Inky Buds today's topic is one that is trending at the moment, and for good reason. Just Stop Oil activists are throwing food at priceless pieces of art. Yes, it's those people. One of their first attacks was on the Van Gough painting Sunflowers. In the thumbnail image, two youths donning "Just Stop Oil" T-shirts, proudly showing off their can of soup. The eco group boasts an odd and outrageous method to get their message across. This group desires change in the world for more greener and environmentally friendly methods of fuel. It sounds righteous enough, but this isn't the way to go about it. For many centuries, humans have used fossil fuels as a method for power and fuel. This includes coal, petroleum, and other nonrenewable energies made from fossils.

This method of fuel has been used for a very long time, but recently people have found that this method won't work anymore so the search is on for renewable energy sources. It has been found that fossil fuels release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming, and causes a greenhouse effect on the world. I personally would like a better alternative for the environment as well, but I am not going to go out harming priceless art.

This eco mob has caused damage and targeted Sunflowers by Van Gough, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer, Last Supper by DaVinci, and many other stunts not just on paintings. They've gone as far as blocking roads and freeways and stopping horse races. This group even threw pie at a Madame Tussaud's wax model of King Charles.

The video of the attack on the wax model is below.

Many people applaud their efforts, but others are outraged. I am with the outraged ones on this. These people are defacing art from different time periods that have nothing to do with the declining air quality, or the fact that many are denied basic things needed for survival. Van Gough isn't part of the United Nations and isn't responsible for war torn countries and economical decline. The painters are long since passed away and have nothing to do with the world problems we face today. The message was "What is worth more, art or life?" which I understand, but these are pieces that have nothing to do with today's problems.

I'm pretty sure none of these painters thought they were going to make it in the world with their art, and it isn't their doing that they are worth thousands, even millions today. Their fame wasn't done on their own accord, but even after death these artists are recognized for their contributions in the field of art.

If you are unhappy with our fuel use, and how things are in the world, bring it to the attention of world leaders. The U.S. president, or any other world leaders should be the first to hear about these issues. While they know about it, they won't take action until more problems arise because of it. This was the case for the parents of the Uvalde victims, but that's a topic for another time. The people who aren't happy with the world they live in need to speak up and let their voice be heard, but you can't ruin these paintings that have nothing to do with these present issues.

I hope that one day we will try harder to find renewable energy sources and make them more available in larger towns and cities like Los Angeles in which fuel is used in vast amounts. I believe that the message of the Just Stop Oil group is a good one, but their premise of getting it across is questionable. Gluing yourself to a wall, or blocking roads is not the right way to protest. Bring it to the attention of world leaders and governors, people who need to hear it. Bring it to the attention of the people that are supposed to keep their nations and countries thriving and prosperous, not in poverty and crumbling under a nation of war and poor conditions. According to "The group wants an end to the use of oil and other fossil fuels." It describes itself as "a coalition of groups working together to ensure the government commits to halting new fossil fuel licensing and production."

"The government plans to license more than 100 new oil and gas projects by 2025."

This is a good idea because of the amount of harm fossil fuels cause, but it would be hard just to stop everything and do it all differently. Many companies invested lots of time and money into constructing these foundations. Many workers would end up being let go, and it all would have to be remade in a new image that suits the present day. I am all for the transfer of fossil to renewable fuels, but it would be a timely process to make all oil and gas companies switch to renewable energy sources. "Unlike Extinction Rebellion, which campaigns on the single big issue of climate change, Just Stop Oil's protests have a more specific focus.

As well as calling for an end to fossil fuels, the group also wants renewable energy investment and for better building insulation to avoid energy waste."

But that isn't the only thing that they advocate, one of the activists states: "What is worth more, art or life? Is it worth more than food? Worth more than justice? Are you more concerned about the protection of a painting or the protection of our planet and people? The cost-of-living crisis is part of the cost of oil crisis, fuel is unaffordable to millions of cold, hungry families. They can’t even afford to heat a tin of soup,” as they proceed to glue themselves to a wall. The activists were arrested, but the group has stated that they won't stop until the government listens. I applaud their persistence on this issue, and what they say is right, but that is the worst method I have ever seen. Perhaps a more peaceful approach?

People around the world are denied basic human needs for survival like food and a home. Children are orphaned on the streets because of inadequate care or losing their parent(s) to insufficient health care. We all live in a world where we pay just to live! We pay for food, which goes down the toilet eventually or is thrown out when expired. We pay for a home for us and our children. Unfortunately, you need money to survive and if you don't have it, you might as well lie down and die. This is the case for many countries, and the affected are often overlooked.

I believe there is room for change, and it is desperately needed, but our voices need to be heard in a more civilized manner. Peaceful protests are an easy way to express your opinions. I would strongly encourage people to be more aware of our world's problems, and what we can do to fix it.

All the money that is going towards expensive designer brands, cars, and other objects of material wealth should instead go to where it is needed most, in my opinion. There are many people that are excessively wealthy, owning millions and billions, so what could they lose when donating a couple thousands to poor countries that are in dire need of help?

In conclusion, I agree with the protesters, but their methods are unruly and aren't very well thought of. There needs to be more of an effort to help countries in need of stability, and food should be more available. These protesters inform the fact that many people can't even buy a can of soup, or even have a stove to cook it on, which is correct. I believe we need to change many things for the better, starting with better energy methods like hydroelectric power, which provides energy by how a body of water runs. Wind turbines are also a method or renewable energy because it provides electricity based on the movement of the wind.

We are just beginning to reach the tip of the iceberg for a better future of fuel, and a better solution for poor countries. Luckily, many people are addressing, or attempting to address, the homeless crisis in the U.S. However, many of the people on the streets deny the need for shelter and help. The majority of them show evidence of mental illness, and drug abuse. These people with mental issues challenge businesses as well, by driving way customers because of threats, unsanitary behaviors, and the fact that many homeless people settle in front of places where businesses are established. People such as these business owners are speaking out about this issue, but we are yet to see change happen. There are many issues that our nations are facing, and we need to make our leaders more aware of it, and protest for change.

We can't give up. If you want change, don't throw soup or pastries at works of art, use a better and more effective method.

Well, this concludes this post. I hope you enjoyed it and learned a bit more about these protesters. I also hope it helped you understand them a bit further as well.

Thank you for reading and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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