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Should Schools Be Teaching Children About Sexuality? (My opinion)

Updated: Jul 1, 2023

sexuality question

Greetings to my fellow human beings, today we shall discuss a topic that has been a raging debate these last couple of weeks: 'Should sexuality be taught in schools?' Now, before I start, I would like to say that by 'schools' I mean elementary/junior high schools. In the U.S., there has been a couple of protests, mainly in California, about this topic. An example would be the protests being held by both parents, and the LGBTQ community in Glendale, California. To sum it up, an elementary school was going to hold a pride parade, and the parents of these children weren't happy with it. It started as a peaceful protest, the parents were protesting against the topic being forced upon their children, and then it grew violent. Arrests were made and the pride event still happened.

glendale pride

Parents opposing the event have clearly stated that they do not hate the community, but they want the responsibility to introduce their children to these topics. I noticed a bias in the news as I watched the events unfold during the early hours of this protest. They asked adults that opposed the event if they had children at the school. Some of them stated that they did not but came to the support of the parents that did. As you might or might not know, I don't have children. I do have younger relatives that attend elementary school that might get exposed to this kind of thing. I might not have children, but I would come to support their protests. Where's the bias? Let's get into that. I noticed that they only asked the adults that opposed the event this question. They never asked the people that supported the event if they had children or not there, so it's somewhat obvious that it didn't matter where the supporters came from, whether they had children there or not, just that they had supporters.

I stand with the parents on this. I personally think that the discussion of sexuality should be the responsibility of the parents. Instead of teaching children to read, write, or spell, they are teaching them why Jimmy has two mothers, or why Mr. Johnson goes by 'Mx.' now.

Let me put it this way. Would you allow pornography or Sex Education to be taught and seen by 7-year-olds? That's more or less what this is! They call it 'sexuality' for a reason! It is about your sexual feelings, thoughts, attractions and behaviors towards other people. Children don't need to know that you want to sleep with men or women! They won't even notice what's what if you don't bring it up. Whether it's race, gender, sexuality, or anything else, they won't even bat an eye, unless it is brought up to them!

my child my choice

Would you allow your trusted school to teach your small child to learn about sexual reproduction and see images of the penis or vagina? I think not...

Would you allow your schools to teach them about the 'birds and the bees?'


This is just about along the same lines as showing your children sexual things.

It is also worth mentioning that children are like sponges, and that sometimes, they want to 'demonstrate' or 'attempt' certain things. That's practically the main reason they out disclaimers on shows like WWE or Ridiculousness. This is encouraging sexual behavior, pleasure and even promiscuity. This could even encourage children to experiment with their peers or friends. Parents are even hesitant to show their children romance overall because of this.

Children really aren't mentally ready or responsible for sex discussions.

But how young is too young to talk about this topic? To each their own, but my opinion would be about 13 and up. I was about that age when my parents discussed the topic of human sexuality and how some people are homosexuals. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said about my younger siblings. It was not because of school, but because of a cartoon. They were younger than I was when they first learned about LGBTQ practices.

'Why does (character's name I forgot') have two dads?'

loud house
(If I remember correctly, this was the character)

And within that day, their innocence was shattered. My parents initially stated that they wanted to discuss this with them when they were older, just like they did to me, but this cartoon brought the topic up sooner than my parents would have liked. We never had any problems with the community, even if our religion is against it, we believe that people should do what they want, but they didn't like that my innocent siblings had to know about homosexuality because this cartoon was exposing children to this because of their selfishness.

Nickelodeon shouldn't be the one to decide when children should know about the LGBTQ community, parents should.

Our once trusted schools shouldn't be shoving their beliefs into our children's faces and deciding that it's the perfect time to expose them to the topic.

indoctrination at its finest

They force these things into every corner so that it's hard for people who don't support it to stay away from it. Whether it's cartoons, books, TV shows, movies, and even schools, the left is shoving their ideals wherever they can, and complain when people speak out against it. Not everyone supports the LGBTQ community or their beliefs, whether it's for religious reasons or other, just like how not everyone supports (let's say) Christian or Buddhist beliefs. I imagine there would be more problems and calls to action if a school was pushing religion in school. It would be met with criticism and be taken care of immediately. They won't allow a Bible or other religious texts into a school, but they are going to allow the implementation of political topics or other biases into classrooms. It's simply absurd!

religion cartoon

Now, I've heard people on the news pertaining to this topic saying things like: 'We're just showing them what's happening in the world.'

By that logic, would you show 7-year-olds videos and images of homicide victims? Would you tell them about the fact that there are sick people out there that want nothing more than to desecrate the innocence of children by defiling them? Would you show them footage of school's shootings like the Nashville school shooting or give them full details of the tragedy at Robb Elementary? Would you?

Why not? Those are things happening in the world...correct?

I don't agree with the teaching of sexuality in schools, especially in elementary. Like I have said before, it is not a child's business to know that you sleep with men, women, or whatever else there is. Things like sexuality, 'the talk,' and other topics that some parents are iffy about, should be THEIR responsibility. If I was a parent, I wouldn't like a teacher, or frankly anyone else, to discuss sexual topics with my (hypothetical) child, at least not without my knowledge. Do you remember the times where your teacher sent you home with a permission slip to watch a movie? (Ah... Good times...) For example, if you were going to watch a PG movie in the classroom, or going on a field trip, you needed the parent's consent. Where is the say of the parent in all this?

I think there is a way to compromise this. Maybe they could send permission slips home.

"Hello, we are discussing gender identity and human sexuality today, are you in?"

Some parents might not be comfortable with their children hearing about that yet, so they could easily say 'no' and decide that their child won't be attending.

yes or no

I overall think that the talks about sexuality don't belong in elementary or middle schools. I find these topics really unnecessary for children to be learning. They should be learning good values, history, science, math, language arts, not all ten thousand of the sexualities and how you might not 'belong' in your own body.

These questions should be the jurisdiction of the parents, and the parents alone. The television or even our schools aren't going to decide when our children are ready to learn about those topics. We do. As parents, older siblings, guardians etc. we should protect our children and give them a childhood that is secure and pay a bit more attention to what your child is exposed to. Whether it's online, in shows, the people they are around, or even at school, your children aren't immune to another's influence. I think it's also a good idea to have a healthy talking relationship with your child so that they can come to you if they find anything in school or something they've seen weird or something that makes them uncomfortable. (Since apparently, teachers are now telling children to hide things from their parents.)

This is a topic I'm very passionate about, and I was glad to share it with you all today even if you might not agree with it or might find it offensive.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for sources and further reading!)

Sources and Further Reading:

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Jun 30, 2023

The long and short response would be an astounding No! Children learn without being taught. As a child most of my discoveries in life was by observation not necessarily through a textbook or some oratory. Let’s face it we are in challenging times. Our children are inundated and overwhelmed with information that interferes with traditional learning. Educational institutions should teach skills that would better serve them and our country. Force feeding an ideology and a lifestyle has no guarantees, confusion yes! Please allow our children to grow and develop without politicizing gender and race to no end!

Jun 30, 2023
Replying to

Yes, I agree completely! All these ideologies confuse children. They should learn valuable life skills and things that will help them in their careers. Thank you for sharing, randy!

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