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Nobody Says a Thing About Men's Bodies Because Girls Are Nice, Has Shamed Men for Being 'Ugly'

Hello! I have returned from my slumber and unofficial hiatus! It’s lovely to see you all again, and I hope you’ve been doing well. So, after a couple of weeks of being slightly unmotivated, busy, and a smidge tired, I decided to see what’s trending. I’m a bit late to this topic, it was a buzz about a week ago, but I finally felt the itch to pick up my laptop and type.

To get down to brass tacks, Ms. Eilish spoke to variety about body image, about her own body image, and then the topic came up about how men’s bodies are viewed versus how women’s bodies are viewed. She said, and I quote:

“Nobody ever says a thing about men’s bodies. If you’re muscular, cool. If you’re not, cool. If you’re rail thin, cool. If you have a dad bod, cool. If you’re pudgy, love it! Everybody’s happy with it. You know why? Because girls are nice.”

I mean, she does have a point (kind of…) Body image has always been a bit harsh on women throughout the years and with the passing body trends, like how in the 1920’s a boyish almost boxy figure was desirable, and now its all about that hourglass shape with big butts and breasts. However, her statement about how ‘girls are nice’ is kind wrong. That’s like saying ‘oh you’re white? that automatically makes you a racist’ or assuming all old people are kind. Not all women are nice by nature, yeah women can be nice, but like everything else, there can also be mean women as well…

If women were so nice, then why do the vast majority of them disregard men that are ‘less than 6 feet?’ (I think it’s alright to have preferences, but some people are BRUTAL.)

She made such a misnomer…

Second of all, it seems like she’s dispelling any body image issues men may have. It’s like she’s underestimating them. Body image isn’t limited to gender, it happens to anyone and everyone and we all have our insecurities. Guys can experience body image insecurities too, I can’t believe I have to say that, but it happens! Maye some guys wish they should be more muscular, or taller, or better looking. We should overall just stop comparing, and making it a contest on ‘who is going through the most inequality?’ (The funny thing about all this is that if a man were to actually talk about his struggles with his body image or his mental state as a result, people would tell him to suck it up…)

Not to mention that women who are overweight get the name ‘plus sized’ and ‘curvy’ and told they are beautiful and perfect, but men who are overweight are simply ‘obese’ and ‘overweight’ and they don’t get the special ‘goddess treatment.’

We shouldn’t dispel or shrug off our struggles, man or woman it doesn’t matter. Here’s an idea! What if we all came together and maybe hear out each others’ struggles? We can realize that we both have our struggles when it comes to social standards and overcome them together.

Overall, I understand what she was trying to say, but to belittle men’s body image and deny the fact they go through it is wrong and selfish…

I know this analogy is a bit old and overused, but what if a man said something similar, denying the presence of women’s body image because ‘men are so nice.’ All hell would break lose right? I understand that women’s body issues have been more prominent and focused on than men’s but just because it’s not in your face and all over magazines, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

Disregarding struggles, men's, women's, and whatever else there is, it’s messed up and wrong. It’s all so backwards and back and forth with these double standards. Eilish has been the subject of body shaming in the past, meanwhile she shrugs off the body shaming of men? Now, before I go, I’d like to acknowledge that she actually has shamed men based on their looks, meanwhile she said in this interview about how women are so nice and see people for who they really are. (Clip of her in that conversation below:)

And like a wise person on the internet said:

‘If you give a depressed girl autotune, she thinks she can sing…’

(A joke…)

This metronome-like swaying of double standards and the game of ‘who’s the victim’ is giving me a migraine…

What a hypocrite…

Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading it, and as always have a good day🏙️/night🌆!

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