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Modern Feminism: When Did Feminist Become Fem-Nazi?

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

Hi there Inky Buds! Today's topic is straight to the point with the topic of feminism and gender equality. I'm starting this off with the fact that this is another opinion-based article. Like always, if you do not want to hear what I have to say, you can leave (or not) ultimately, the choice is yours, and I will not be held accountable if you decide to read and you do not like it. Persisting with the article, I am starting off with an anecdote. One day while I was looking through YouTube Shorts (The new TikTok) and I found a video of a man interviewing women. He asked women: "Do we need men?"

They all had similar replies:


"No, men suck."

"I don't need a man."

I am here to say to all the men reading this: You are needed! The women saying these things most likely haven't thought about what they're saying. Modern feminism is a cesspool of toxicity, and all they're doing is making themselves out to be the victim, but at the same time, they are trying to achieve female domination, instead of gender equality. There are many 'glass ceilings' that still need to be broken through today, but the term feminist is becoming associated with negativity. These women often blame the patriarchy and focus only on the female victims of things like rape, assault, or abuse. Now, there's a lot of things that feminists fight for from the gender pay gap, objectification, and sexualization of women, but they aren't really fighting. I'm not saying all feminists act this way, but a couple of bad apples can spoil an entire bunch.

There are a couple of problems I have with the feminism of today, which I will go into further detail. I'll start with the whole 'we don't need men' thing.

Like I said before, men are indeed needed. Think about it, who does the 'dirty' and dangerous jobs? It's usually men who do it. From construction workers, electricians, firemen among others, it is usually men performing these difficult tasks. This largely drives the huge difference in workplace fatalities between men and women, with 4,761 men dying on the job compared to 386 women in 2017. The fatality rate for men was about 10 times that of women: 5.7 per 100,000 vs. 0.6 per 100,000 for women. This ultimately led to them being paid more, since statistics show that women are selective when it comes to jobs (there's nothing wrong with it) and don't choose these jobs. Below is a graph showing the statistics.

So, who does the dangerous jobs? Which gender is mostly likely going to risk their lives in areas like law enforcement? It's men. I'm not saying that women don't going into these fields. They do, but it's less likely.

Men are needed for another reason which is pretty obvious, reproduction. Two women can't make a baby, neither can two men. Both genders need each other to reproduce and keep humanity going.

The second problem I have with today's feminists is that they don't let some women live their lives. Feminism is undermining itself and now it's giving women backlash as well. But why? Well, some women don't want to live like other women do. Some women want to live at home and take care of their children, but some women call them 'victims of the patriarchy' or even 'traitors' for living the stereotypes. All women deserve to live as they wish, and if they made the choice to be a stay-at-home mom, so be it! Feminists today also tend to blame men for the position they're at socially. Not all men are to blame, and it's unfair to them to say so.

A lot of things have changed, women can vote, they can apply to certain jobs, they can work, they can be more than wives or mothers if they wish! Not every woman wants to be a working woman, and not every woman wants to be a stay-at-home mother.

My last problem I'm going to discuss today is the female domination issue. To be brief, feminism of today is mainly about making women more dominant and pushing men down, instead of being true for their 'gender equality' ideals.

Women have been oppressed throughout history, that cannot be atoned for of course, but that doesn't mean the women of today need to give into these grudges by giving people 'a taste of their own medicine.'

Yes, It can be satisfying to make people understand your pain, but this shouldn't be happening. The men of today shouldn't have to suffer because the people of the past made mistakes, and obviously couldn't understand that hey, women are people too! Don't they deserve the same opportunities that men do? Yes, they do, and I'm all for it, but I will not stand for women trying to make things different by making them come out as the dominant gender. That's not equality, if this keeps progressing, there's going to be a matriarchy.

The reality is half of these women are just parroting things they hear on social media.

"Down with the patriarchy!"

"Men are bums!"

Blah blah blah. It's all the same words or phrases from these women, which is more than enough proof that they have the same source material. This has spawned the term 'pseudo-feminist,' which is a person that claims to be a feminist but doesn't stay true to the beliefs. This is not true gender equality, just being honest here. And the women 'fighting' today? I hate to say it, but there isn't much to be fighting for now.

All the trailblazing women of the past gave us education, the right to vote, the opportunity to pursue a life we want and step away from society's standards for women. But today, the feminists aren't fighting, they're nitpicking. Another video I watched was similar to the one I mentioned earlier, interviewing people on feminism. The responses from the men were what really stuck out to me. The women said things like 'Men are trash' etc. but the men said that women are needed and that they help the world go 'round. Granted, there are women's rights issues in other countries like Iran, but I'm talking about in America. The 'feminists' have many rights, yeah, there are inequalities, but they aren't fighting over the major issues like domestic abuse, child marriage, and gender-based violence. Nope. They'd rather scream about not being able to commit infanticide. Now don't get me wrong, if you don't have the means to take care of a child, or were raped, it's perfectly acceptable to have an abortion, but the women at the Roe Vs. Wade protests were openly sharing how many abortions they had, and they were proud of it! I couldn't even think and look at medical images of aborted pregnancies without crying, let alone celebrate getting rid of a 'fetus.'

Below is a video of the women at Roe Vs. Wade:

(Apparently free condoms still aren't accessible...)

So instead of focusing on the lack of women's rights in other countries, they are worried about the patriarchy and how men are at fault for their suffering. (They aren't.)

So, what have we learned out of all this?

Well let's start with men are indeed needed! True feminism is standing with men and fighting for completely equal rights! Feminism is not based on degrading men because of all the (most likely) dead men that contributed to misogyny in the past.

We need to move forward and say something about these pseudo-feminists that give true feminists a bad name. Like my father told me, men and women are like the yin and yang, both parts are needed and there cannot be one without the other. There cannot be light without the dark, good without the evil, or day without the night. Man hating is just plain stupid, especially when it is unjust.

(All the pseudo-feminists can yell at me in the comments if they want to, I honestly couldn't care less... But if you have an opinion to express in a civilized manner, you are more than welcome to share.)

As a true feminist, I apologize for all the pseudo-feminists you'll meet, we aren't all like that.

I learned so much from the research from this article, I hope you did as well.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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I would love to hear your opinion, and ALL OPINIONS ARE WELCOME! 🙂

(Stay tuned for the sources and further reading.)

Sources and Further Reading:

The Problem With Modern Feminism (

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