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'Let's Just Turn a Blind Eye': Hollywood's Insane Double Standard

Hi! How have you all been? I hope you're doing great, and today is a good day for another article! I think it's going to be quite a good one. It came suddenly and I never realized how important this discussion is. Me and my family were anticipating going to our local drive in for the weekend.

They didn't have really good movies, which I listed, ending at the new Haunted Mansion movie, and then my mom suddenly said: 'I can't believe that she is still making movies after what she did!'

I was seated at the breakfast bar facing her and I asked: 'Who?'

'Haddish! She is in the new Haunted Mansion movie.'

At first, I thought she said Hadid, like one of the models, but I then realized she was talking about the comedienne.

'Oh her! What did she do?' I asked.

She then explained that about a year ago, she was involved in a controversy regarding a sketch she made, which was poorly thought out, about pedophilia. Filed using the pseudonyms "Jane Doe" and "John Doe" (the brother, born in 2007, is still a minor) the lawsuit alleges Haddish and Spears groomed the young plaintiffs and coerced them into "filming sexually explicit child pornography skits."

And then my mom started talking about how they treated Johnny Depp in the midst of the infamous Depp v. Heard trial last year. I remember the trial, as me and my parents watched it every week until the conclusion, and during it all, it was mentioned that Disney cut ties with Depp and fired him from their Pirates of the Caribbean franchise just 4 days after the op-ed was released. The writers claim they want 'new energy and vitality' to the franchise, but is it a coincidence that this happened during the kick start of the trial? I don't think so...

It wasn't even official that he was the abuser, the verdict wasn't announced until much later, but even then, they didn't apologize. There wasn't evidence that he was abusing Heard, and they kicked him to the proverbial curb.

depp v heard

And now let us compare the double standard with Haddish. Haddish was a part of a skit titled: Through a Pedophile's Eyes which was posted on Funny or Die. She claimed it was supposed to be funny, but I don't think she thought that through...

Why would you joke about that? I will admit, I only watched a clip on YouTube Shorts, but I think that was enough to see what was wrong and oh so disgusting. The child, a young boy, was shown almost naked in the clip I saw, with only a pair of underwear. Her husband Aries Spears played the role of the pedophile and committed some uncomfortable acts, like cutting holes through the newspaper her was 'reading' to look at the young boy while he was playing, discreetly. A lot of the time in the clip I saw, Spears spent it gawking at the young boy while he was playing.

spears being a creep

"I know people have a bunch of questions. I get it. I'm right there with you," Haddish said. "Unfortunately, because there is an ongoing legal case, there's very little that I can say right now. But, clearly, while this sketch was intended to be comedic, it wasn't funny at all — and I deeply regret having agreed to act in it. I really look forward to being able to share a lot more about this situation as soon as I can." (Seems like a 'don't talk to the police' type thing to me...)

Jane Doe presently represents herself in the case, and the suit accuses the pair of “intentional infliction of emotional distress, gross negligence, sexual battery, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse of a minor.” It also alleges that Haddish is guilty of “negligent supervision/failure to warn, breach of fiduciary duty, and constructive fraud.”

Jane Doe said in addition to the civil lawsuit filed, she and her brother are calling for the Los Angeles Police Department to criminally charge the entertainers. "It is our hope that the LAPD will finally act and immediately arrest both Tiffany Haddish and Aries Spears."

Obviously, that didn't work out for them, since Haddish still has a reputation!

There is evidence of them grooming and being overtly sexual to Jane Doe and her brother, including their accounts.

It has been swept under the rug, out of sight out of mind, whatever you'd like to call it, it all worked out for Haddish and Spears.

But how is it that Depp was easily kicked off of Pirates of the Carribean franchise, even though the trial didn't even give the verdict if he was guilty or not (He was actually being abused by Heard) but Haddish still has a steady career, even though, she was a part of this terrible skit, and that Jane even stated that Haddish exploited and groomed her and her brother.

Let's give another example of a double standard, how about Cardi B? You might know her, she's famous rapper. But before her fame, she was a prostitute and she used to drug and rob men. She said that she was doing what she had to do to survive, and I understand that, but drugging people? One of her victims came forward, a man named Kevin Smith said this:

“I was in New York about five years ago training and my trainer suggested we go to a strip club. Normally, I would’ve turned him down but this time I decided to go. So, boom, we go to the strip club and I meet Cardi, I’m feeling her and convinced her to come back to the room with me to have a drink. I’d been drinking already so I had to pee, I slid to the bathroom and came back and finished off my drink”.

"Last thing I remembered was she was 'twerking' on me, music blasting and that was it. The next morning, I saw a used condom on the floor and then I noticed all the cash I had which was about $850, my Louis Vuitton belt and my iPod touch was missing. I tried calling her several times but i soon realized she gave me a google voice number.”

The crazy thing about this? Other famous people have been convicted and have gone to jail for drugging people and/or sexually assaulting them with it. For example, Bill Cosby. Many women came forward as victims of him drugging and assaulting them, he went to jail. Should Cardi B face the same consequences? You might think, 'its all in the past' maybe, but keep in mind that the earliest allegation against Cosby dates back to December 1965: in 2005, Kristina Ruehli came forward as Jane Doe #12, claiming that Cosby drugged and assaulted her.

Cosby's mug shot

I understand that this life is cruel, and you have to do whatever it takes to live and survive, but even then, it's not okay to drug somebody and take advantage of their state. Man or woman, the crime is the same, and the woman shouldn't be given mercy just because she is a woman. Believe it or not, that is also sexism, since it shows how women are favored in the judicial system in certain situations, and how it is more likely to be swept under the rug.

My conclusion to all this? Charge everyone for their crimes the same way. If you wouldn't give a man who was drugging and raping women a short sentence in prison, then why give a woman who did the same thing (in this hypothetical situation) less time in prison? All crimes are the same, whether it's a man or woman who committed them, and it's wrong to think otherwise.

I hope you've enjoyed this article, I never realized how badly I wanted to write about this topic until now. Thank you all for reading and as always have a good day🏙️/night🌆!

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