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How Are Men Getting Recognized For Women's Achievements? Once Again...Where Are The Feminists?

Hello out there! I've got a steaming, hot, plate of controversial topics/opinions headed your way. Right off the bat, I am going to tell you that these opinions might anger some, they might not align with what you believe in, it might be the exact opposite, but anyways, if you are triggered easily, are not ready to hear my opinion, or any other reason, I would kindly suggest that you might not read this. Don't worry, there's a lot else to read on my page, but whether you proceed is purely up to you.

And before you make a complaint or email me about 'promoting violence or hate' (*Cough cough*, Medium...🙄) I will point out that I am not 'constituting violence, promoting hatred, or harassment against people 'based on characteristics like race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, disability, age, disease, age sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.' I am not telling people to harass or hurt people that are transgender or anything of the sort. Can't believe I have to say it, but this is indeed an opinion statement. Oh! I forgot to add that I am not 'Glorifying, celebrating, trivializing violence, suffering, abuse, or deaths of individual groups,'

'Using misleading statistics to dehumanize, pathologize, or disempower others,'

and lastly, I am not: 'calling for intolerance, exclusion, or segregation base on protected characteristics...'

I don't hate trans people or anyone that participates in activities that relate to the alphabet mafia, but I am not going to tolerate how everyone is making room to tolerate one belief alone and pushes out and mutes other beliefs that contrast theirs. I might not agree with you, you might not agree with me, that is fine, but don't try to silence me because I don't buy into the agenda... (Freedom of speech, right?🤗)

I know, that was a long passive aggressive paragraph, but come on, if you're going to give me a detention slip, at least make it make sense... (It was about a post regarding Dylan Mulvaney, by the way, it's on my official site if you want to read it since Medium decided that I did all those things for 'misgendering' Mulvaney.)

With that said, let's continue.

Do you remember the buzz that occurred regarding 'Miss' Netherlands? You know, the fact that 'she' was a man?! Believe me, I would have written about this sooner if I didn't live under a rock. I got to say, I was not happy, along with other women that felt the same way. I had iffy feelings about beauty pageants to begin with, rating women on their looks might not be good, but if it makes them happy, who am I to judge? Well, a trans woman named Rikkie Valerie Kollé won the Miss Netherlands pageant and will later be competing in Miss Universe in El Salvador.

Who wants to go on a one-way ticket to the sun with me?😊

Anything to get away from the circus act that our world had become...

I can't view this in any other way than a great setback for women. Like it or not, believe it or not, that is a man standing on the proverbial podium. He might dress up, wear makeup, implant breasts or turn his man parts into lady parts, but that is still a man. So here comes my point of this article, how (and why) are men receiving awards/achievements, that are for women? I believe that it doesn't really matter what you feel (This might not sit well with some) you are still a biological male/female. I don't think there is an 'in-between' you're either one or the other, and nothing can change that. You still have XY/XX chromosomes, and the gender specific bone known as the pelvis. (If you didn't know, women have wider pelvises than men to be able to carry children.) So why do they think it's okay to compete in women's competitions, and why is seemingly nobody saying a thing about it. Where are the feminists? They all talk about how men always show them up for everything, get more opportunities, and excel at everything, but when a man in woman-face does it, they don't even bat an eye...

That is a man, and he managed to 'win' the Miss Netherlands. I put win in quotation marks because I am about 97% sure that they let her (actually him) win the competition solely because he is transgender. Keep in mind, this was the 'runner up:'

She is stunning! But not only are biological men apparently prettier than us, but they obviously trump us when it comes to sports as well. Back in March (For those of you who follow me on Medium, this was way before I was on Medium), I wrote an article on how Hershey's showed a trans woman i.e. a biological man for Women's History Month and this mentioned that, but also another example, which pertained to trans 'women' pummeling us at sports. I wrote about Cece Tefler, a biological man who was competing in the 400-meter hurdles in 2019 and won. But as I was reading on this person, something was fishy about her. (him)

Here is an entry from the Wikipedia article on her (him): 'While a student athlete at Franklin Pierce University, Telfer first competed without success in the men's division from 2016 to 2017 but after coming out and beginning transition, Telfer was allowed to compete in the women's division.'

It states that he competed in the men's division, but what was the result? He lost. 'Without success' So if I was him without success, what would be an easy way to gain success and some kind of fame? Competing in the women's division and coming out as transgender. You'd get publicity, both good and bad, and the competition itself would be a cakewalk. So how was that fair? 'Telfer gained wide public recognition after Donald Trump Jr. quoted an article title referring to Telfer as a "biological male," calling her recent competition wins a "grave injustice" against "young women"

(He might not always win, but that really stuck out to me...)

How about another example, one you might be familiar with, let me introduce Caitlyn Jenner, and the fact she (he) got Woman of the Year! (Thank you for slapping us in the face, Glamour!)

James Smith, whose police officer wife was posthumously recognized by the magazine after she died rescuing people from the World Trade Center on 9/11, returned his wife’s award, calling Jenner’s recognition an “insult.”

“Was there no woman in America, or the rest of the world, more deserving than this man?” he asked in an open letter to the magazine.

It's insulting, and frankly, I agree. Another influential woman could have received the award like all the actually impactful women in the arts, science, and other fields. I bet he only got that award because he's transgender. It's the same reason why films all of a sudden are throwing all their money into diversity and representation. 'See? We're inclusive! We made a man Woman of the Year!'

It really seems like everybody throws facts out the window now. That is still a man, always has been, always will be, and I refuse to accept that the media is telling us that these are women. These men are receiving achievements that are for women! With the little bit of opportunities that we've had over the years, you'd think that men would stop monopolizing everything and give us great opportunities to be recognized for our achievements, right? I guess not, because now men are better at being a woman, than actual women. (Where. Are. The. Feminists?)

I find it unbelievable that these men, yes they are indeed still men, get all these awards, achievements, celebrations for how long they've been a woman (For example, Dylan Mulvaney) when biological women don't get treated like this. e.g.

'Hey, I've been a woman for a full 20 years! Celebrate me!'

Nobody would say anything.

'I am actually transgender, and it is my first year of being a woman!'

Yes! It's time to roll out the red carpet, the good champagne, and all the confetti you can find! Why? Because you are a woman now, which makes you eligible to compete against woman, and inevitably win! Congrats! 😊 (This makes me kind of passive aggressive, but with good reason...)

For the next (and last) example, we are using Lia Thomas as another instance in which men using woman-face have beat women in sports. Headed into the NCAA Championships, Thomas had the fastest times amongst all women in the NCAA in the 200- and 500-free, and she was top-10 in the 100-free and 1,650-free. It is proven that women are generally slower than men in the pool, but it is debated by how much, but distance has some correlation. (6 truths and myths about trans swimmer Lia Thomas - Outsports)

With that knowledge, how can the women's division compete? It really isn't fair. I can honestly say, that if I were to against a man, I would most likely lose. Whether in a fight, or in a race, I would definitely lose. However, it would depend on the overall health of the person as well, but it's worth noting that the women competing against Lia Thomas are very athletic and capable. Even with that on their belt, they still couldn't beat him. Again, it probably would have been a cake walk.

Not to mention that this man, is allowed to undress around other women, which cause some of them to resort to changing in a janitor's closet. Riley Gaines (A competitor against Thomas) believes biological males’ greater strength and endurance make competition with women unfair – and her view has stirred controversy. So much so, that she was 'ambushed and physically hit' by trans rights protesters. (She didn't start any violence they did, the same people who most likely vouch for 'peace and love' and 'stop hate.' 🙃)

“I think even using the term trans woman is giving Thomas some of our languages as women,” Gaines said in a podcast. “I think trans women is a subset of male. I do not believe trans women are women.”

I stand by Ms. Gaines on this. I agree with her entirely, the competition was unfair, and that Thomas should not be allowed to compete or even be in private women's spaces at all.

Sometimes I hate the world we live in, and the humans on it. We seem to value individuality, over common sense and scientific evidence. You are expected to just blindly follow and accept what is put in front of you, like a sheep. 'Oh, they want to identify as a nonbinary polyamorous pansexual vegan? You are expected to just go with it.' You are expected to 'affirm' and accept people, even if it means going beyond your own beliefs. Your beliefs don't matter in this world, just as long as you make others happy.

Let them be a dog!

Let them be a can of paint!

Let them be a woman!

Sense doesn't matter! Just as long as we have our individuality!

We are no longer worried about how things will be better for our society, how we can fix some problems and find solutions. We are worried about men that want to identify as women, vice versa, and how things will affect us and us alone. Every man for themself. There is no unity and no support, instead, we are dividing ourselves further.

I think individuality is a relatively good thing, however I wonder, how far will it go?

How self-absorbed will we become now, and the years that follow?

Honestly, I have nothing else to say here except that I won't buy into this. Those are not women, contrary to popular belief, those are still men. They should not be able to compete against us, receive awards for our achievements, or be able to access private spaces for women.

I hope you enjoyed this article; I poured a lot out onto my poor laptop. This topic is a great one to discuss, but it's perplexing that it needs to be debated and discussed at all. For me it's simpler than politicians or liberals make it. In my book, there is only man and woman, like the sun and moon, we complete and complement each other, one cannot survive without the other.

Please don't think of this as an 'attack' against trans people, this is an opinion.

Now, I should say that I honestly don't care what you identify as, who you decide to be with, etc. but please don't drag me (or children) into it. That's a whole other dance.

One thing is just existing in peace, which is fine and great, but wanting to shove all that into every little nook and cranny of society is wrong. People shove their own ideologies, beliefs and standings into our faces, and it seems like you can't even get away from it, because it's everywhere! That isn't just wanting to co-exist with others, people are trying to force everyone to believe their own beliefs, and that you are wrong if you don't agree. I would like all of us to be able to exist together, regardless of political standing, sexuality, race, etc. but it seems like that won't happen any time soon.

Thank you all for reading! This was a great article for me to write, and I hope you

enjoyed reading it, and as always have a good day🏙️/night🌆!

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