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Fast Food's Decline: Expect Less Than What You Paid $10 For

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Salutations my esteemed readers, I hope you are enjoying your December so far. Today's topic struck me by surprise, it was a sudden revelation if you will. I was out with my father to help with work. The destination was 3 hours away from home. A home-cooked meal was out of our grasp, so we resorted to McDonald's. While the food was subpar, as you would expect from a fast-food eatery, the price was a total rip-off. For a chicken sandwich that was exactly $6.99 it wasn't what I expected. It was as simple as a slab of meat, 3 pickles, and buns. There wasn't even sauce on it. This leads me to wonder why these prices are so high for these poor excuses for food. There was once a time where the food in these eateries were actually good, and the cost was much less than they are now. The first McDonald's was established in 1948, and the hamburgers were only 15¢!

This new type of food promised fast and affordable food choices for people on the go. In the present, this fast-food chain is worth $175.5 billion. Due to inflation recently, these prices have gone up unfortunately. It's becoming increasingly difficult to be a human now, isn't it?

Not only are the prices up on terrible food, but the quantity is lower than ever. For $5.99, you get a kid's-meal sized hamburger with some lettuce and other condiments. I honestly feel that it isn't worth it, and I am glad I don't eat fast food often.

But this makes me feel sorry for the people who are away from their homes and can't have a home cooked meal for their refection. For people that are always away from their homes like truck drivers, fast food is often the resolve for hunger. Sometimes these drivers have to undergo gargantuan lengths to drive from point A to point B. These trips take days to make, and the only accessible food to get is from fast food chains or marts. For a lot of people, fast food is the solution to breakfast, lunch, and dinner and it becomes the staple for every meal in some households. This is harmful both financially and health wise. You pay so much money for small portions of food, hardly enough to feed an average adult, plus if you eat it too much, it is likely to kill you. It is full of preservatives, dyes, and artificial elements.

I have already written about the problems of fast food in a previous article, and I am sure that many people already know the terrible side effects of too much fast food, but even with this knowledge, many people depend on it for sustenance, despite its poor quality.

This could be because many people today don't know how to cook, the prices of groceries are high, or sheer laziness. Whatever the reason may be, I don't recommend fast food for an everyday diet, maybe as a last resort? For those prices, you might as well starve. I doubt a small morsel is worth it.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

Have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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ImagineDragons enjoyer
ImagineDragons enjoyer
Apr 16, 2023

This article is great 👍, but Mc Donald's food suck they don't even make the right order 😠

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