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'Divide and Conquer' Isn't Just a Phrase...

divided people, grouped people

Does the phrase 'Divide and conquer' mean anything to you? Does it at least sound familiar? I thought as much. When you think about it, what comes to mind? A strategy used by monarchs and presidents alike in the past, but do you still see its effects in modern society. You might not notice it, or might not think of it too much, but we are divided in so many ways, that I can hardly count them. We fight like cats and dogs now more than ever, but why? Why is it so hard for us to get along, make a compromise and meet in the middle. It can be easy, if the right person is in power, but that's not the case in America's society. I have yet to see someone who perfectly listens to both sides of an argument and THEN makes a statement/law. I usually see people who lean more on one side than the other, and that shouldn't be the case at all. Maybe it's just me, but a leader should NOT be biased.

Unfortunately, we have a little thing called 'political parties,' which further implements a bias. But where does the phrase 'Divide and conquer' come in? 'In politics, the concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people to prevent a rebellion against the elites or the people implementing the strategy.' The discord further strengthens the control of the elites, which explains why we fight like crazy nowadays and are placed into the labels of democrat or republican. It is soley for control, or at least I believe it is. We all fight and debate our standings on topics, while the elite sit back and spectate the decline of our society as we quarrel like siblings.

fighting man and woman

Now let's get to my point that it can be easy to solve our problems, with a little thing called 'compromise.' Let's say you are standing in front of two bickering children, one of which has a cookie. The child with the delicious pastry wants the cookie, but the other child wants it too. How would you fix it? I would split the cookie in half, one piece for each child. I wish it was that easy in our life with much bigger things, but that can't apply to everything. Compromise would help us get a lot further than we are now. We aren't right now because of our bias ridden society. For example, some companies launch campaigns directed towards specific groups, like for example, pride merchandise or Disney deciding to bet everything on political correctness with diversity casts and race swaps.

Some companies or leaders lean to one side or another side, though it's impossible not to have some sort of bias, but it shouldn't be for a leader of a country or somebody of an important standing like that. I don't consider myself a democrat or a republican, I don't belong to the right or left wings. Why? I try to maintain some type of neutrality and listen to both sides of an argument before making a statement. (I think that makes a good writer.)

For example, people would like to teach children about sexuality (More on that on my blog if you're interested.)

I don't agree with that, as it is inappropriate for children to discuss, but in the article, I wrote, I mentioned a possible solution so that both sides can get what they want. Some parents don't want their children to know about that yet. Fine. You want your child to be exposed to that. That's also fine. I suggested that a good compromise would be to send home permission slips. Those who would like to attend can give their child permission, while some just won't. That seems a little better, doesn't it? Both sides get what they want, the parent is in control of their child's curriculum, while keeping people who support it at bay as well.


Sadly, I don't think it's that easy, since the political parties are deeply ingrained in society. People are always going to be opposing another's views, and that is perfectly fine! People don't need to agree with you or your standing (Some people today don't realize this.) but in America, we are fighting amongst ourselves so much. Who can get married, who can't, who must agree with my belief, who doesn't agree with that belief, it's all getting old. I just hope somebody comes forward one day and makes a righteous attempt to quell the raging fires of conflict. I can't say that we should completely rule out conflict, it's what makes us human (where would I be?) but some of these conflicts result in tragedy like hate crimes and murders. We are entitled to our own opinions; others don't have to agree! But the fighting should stop, we are driving a huge stake in between us as a result. We all should accept our own opinions and that not everyone must agree, but we also have to attempt to make compromises to keep peace. What future will the next generation have if we are all fighting against one another? We are going to tear ourselves apart from the inside out like an autoimmune disease.

But this just proves that the 'divide and conquer' tactic proved to be effective.

Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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