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California: Why are You Still Milking the Glory Days of Hollywood?

Updated: Feb 11, 2023

Hello Inky Buds, before I start this post let me ask you something. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "California?" The thoughts may range from celebrities, the Hollywood sign, plastic surgery, vegans, and fitness freaks. California is the hot spot of the entire USA. Everyone wants to "see the stars," go to the Hollywood sign, and hit all the tourist spots. A newcomer to the golden state may think it's all celebrities, like they'll see Taylor Swift walking by, and that it's all glitz and glamour. But sadly, that's the power of consumerism. Today's topic will not just be about Hollywood, but the entire state and how consumerism affects it. It sells many things that fail to meet the criteria of the ad.

That's what many people make foreigners think so they could sell products, and it works most of the time. I know what Hollywood really looks like because I've driven through it a couple of times. I wasn't shocked as it mostly looks like the rest of LA, but it is very foul that many people still exploit Hollywood for how it used to be in the roaring 20's, all through the 70's. At the time the show "I Love Lucy" was on every television in America, Hollywood was experiencing its peak in glitz, glamour and stardom. Stars were actually everywhere, going to the Chinese Theater, and frequenting all the little shops.

Though the same can't be said in the present day. Hollywood housed and concealed many scandals, accusations, and crimes. Hollywood Boulevard is just another road in Los Angeles now, full of small stores and is frequented by sketchy characters. It is unfortunate, but that's just a result of the traffic caused by the consumerism.

The harsh reality is that many people look to Hollywood and think that they will go, get discovered, and become somebody. Very few live their fairytale life like that. Many people invest time and money chasing this dream of becoming an actor or singer, and most don't even get their sought-after opportunity. People from other states, even countries, come to California with a pocket full of dreams, and little to no preparation. Many people from other places may see Hollywood on TV and may think that it is everything they show. Their minds get full of hopes of becoming a star, which end up getting thrown in the dirt when reality hits. This is one of the reasons homelessness is so prominent in LA. They don't have any back-up plans in case that career doesn't work out and end up without money. That's the effect of good advertising sadly, making things appear better than they really are.

So long story short, Hollywood actually the entire state of California, is worse than it is portrayed. In fact, California makes a big portion of the entire USA population. According to : "By far, the most populous state in the United States is California. It has nearly 40 million residents, comprising a whopping 12% of the country’s population. If California were a country, it would have the eighth largest economy in the world and the 36th highest population." Which may be a result of the mixed messages and delusions advertisements and traveling brochures portray. Everybody far and wide wants to chase the California lifestyle and see all there is to see. I guess it is understandable to want to live in a place in which all kinds of places are within driving distance. You can drive to the beach, the desert, mountains, and even forests. However, many people pay crazy amounts of money just for scenery. Some people don't realize that the price of a home doesn't just depend on the house itself, but the area it is in. A house in Malibu is going to cost more than a house in a rural, unknown area. Why? Simply because of the view and area. Even houses in San Pedro are somewhat unreasonable since the houses are within close proximity to the Pacific. Add the fact that the houses aren't even enough to sustain a medium sized family, and you have an impasse. Not only is the location of the home something to consider with house prices, but the fact that there is a high demand in housing for California is a reason behind why the homes are so expensive.

I started today's post with a rhetorical question, which I obviously know the answer to. This topic is just something that makes me upset. The way companies sell California's "beauty" and "glamour," is very misleading to people who are considering going to the U.S. for whatever reason. As someone who has traveled around the West Coast, I found the results disappointing. There were homeless people everywhere lying on the sidewalks, the houses were very small and unattractive, and to top it all off the whole entire city is covered under a veil of smog.

I remember once when me and my family had a subscription to a magazine for free for about a year, along with the magazines came a brochure. Lo and behold, it was about the "glory" of California and things to do with your family. I cringed at the obvious false advertising and felt sorry for the people who actually believed this. It talked about "see the stars" and all that jazz. I've been to the Walk of Fame and believe me, it's not worth it. All you do is see a bunch of actors/actresses' names on a dirty sidewalk surrounded by weird shops. They brochure also advocated going to Disneyland. I love Disneyland, but it isn't how it used to be. Back then it was less crowded, and it actually felt nice and fun. But now, it's not really as fun because you spend all day walking in the park, and only get on like 4 rides. The lines are huge, there are crowds everywhere, and the souvenirs are so expensive! I am not entirely against California, I am just triggered by the fact that it isn't how it used to be, and it is still viewed as how it used to be decades ago. There are occasional nice spots and places to go in California, but they are a little tough to find since there are crowds everywhere. Even the beaches aren't fun for the family anymore. Not to mention accidents and murders happen left and right. "The state is home to about 12% of the U.S. population but is also the site of about 14% of all violent crimes. Despite a greater concentration of serious crimes, the state has a lower incarceration rate than most states."

My opinion is that California is more glorified than it should be and is very misleading. It makes promises things like how out-of-towners can find their California Dream. The California Dream is the psychological motivation to gain fast wealth or fame in a new land. Many people expect this not just from California. The entire country of the USA boasts freedom and the "American Dream." I concur, but that's a topic on my list for future posts. Many people are naive and think everybody in California is either rich or famous. While many celebrities live in Los Angeles, there are more regular people there instead. The city is vastly populated, which is bizarre considering how much a studio home in downtown LA costs. Here is a link of an example below.

The prices are ridiculously high for what you are receiving. To me it's a huge rip-off. The prices continue to escalate, so don't expect a reduction.

In conclusion, California is ripping off many tourists and people who want to make a home of the state. The image below shows LA as an escape, from what? I believe that instead of escaping, you are going straight towards problems. Maybe choose somewhere else? Like a place where you won't get your car or possessions stolen.

Let me just say that I'm not trying to order people not to go to Los Angeles. It's perfectly fine if you are anticipating a trip (why would you?) but please understand that you shouldn't expect everything that the advertisements portray. That is the case for many places, but Los Angeles is a bigger subject of this. California is still milking the "golden years" of the cities. Los Angeles was once nice, and a normal city. But a huge number of people flocking to this place changed that. It brought crime, overcrowding, and pollution. It is truly sad to see a state decline at the effect of human affairs and selfishness. If you plan on going to California, proceed with caution DUIs, drug crimes, and theft are the most common crimes in California. Under an opaque veil of smog is a less-than perfect city, so be warned.

Thank you for reading, I hope you learned something today.

Stay safe and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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