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A Middle Schooler Was Sent Home, Refusing to Change His Shirt: Words on a Shirt Are Offensive Now

Salutations my friends! Today's topic is a bit touchy, so I wouldn't recommend if you don't want to hear my opinion. Like always, whether you want to proceed or not is your choice, and it's not my fault if you choose to read on and get offended. (That doesn't mean discussion or debate is out of the question.)

I'll get straight to the story. A boy named Liam Morrison, a 7th grader at a Massachusetts school, was told to change his shirt for making people feel 'unsafe.' The shirt in question stated his belief: 'There are only two genders.'

"Yes, words on a shirt made people feel unsafe. They told me that I wasn't in trouble, but it sure felt like I was. I was told that I would need to remove my shirt before I could return to class. When I nicely told them that I didn't want to do that, they called my father," he explained during a Middleborough School Committee meeting on April 13.

"Thankfully, my dad, supportive of my decisions, came to pick me up. What did my shirt say? Five simple words: There are only two genders. Nothing harmful. Nothing threatening. Just a statement, I believe to be a fact."

He also stated that he was told that his shirt 'targeted a protected class' and 'disrupted learning.'

He then topped it all off with a great argument:

"Who is this protected class? Are their feelings more important than my rights?" he asked. "I don't complain when I see pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout the school. Do you know why? Because others have a right to their beliefs, just as I do."

I feel for this boy, he and many others have to deal with these leftist ideologies that prevent voices from being heard. Sadly, things have come to a point where only a select few can express their views freely, and they are usually leftist views.

He has clearly expressed that nobody expressed any offense from his shirt. The student said "not one person" directly told him they were bothered by the words on his shirt and in fact, other students had told him they supported his actions.

This boy felt that the school board stated that he was being offensive because he had an opposing view from their beliefs.

The student said "not one person" directly told him they were bothered by the words on his shirt and in fact, other students had told him they supported his actions.

Just because somebody doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean that they hate you or are being offensive. It is because of people like him that I created my blog. I don't want to live in a world like this, where people hate each other because of their beliefs.

It has become such a problem, and now children are being told that their opinions are 'wrong' or 'offensive,' meanwhile the school gets to put up all the pride flags and representation posters up and expect all the students and teachers to be okay with it. This isn't right, and it just shows the flaws in our society, that we can't just have a friendly discussion or debate anymore. 'If you are against my beliefs, that automatically means you hate me.'

I agree with him, his belief, and how he spoke out against indoctrination, and I'm glad I'm not the only one supporting him.

'That shirt might snap kids out of their indoctrination. Teachers can't have that.' A Twitter user stated.

I hope people will continue to speak out against this type of behavior and will stop at nothing to get their voices heard.

This was a short and sweet article, but I hope it brought awareness to this issue.

Thank you for reading everyone and have a good day🏙️/night🌃!

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(Stay tuned for the sources and further reading.)

Sources and Further Reading:

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Brian Sankarsingh
Brian Sankarsingh
May 01, 2023

Often when we obsess over something we eventually become the very thing we obsess about. This, it would appear, holds true for the left and their pursuit of democracy and free speech. For in the past few years they have stamped down on democratic freedoms in the name of democracy. They’ve tried to silence freedom of speech in the name of free speech.

The pendulum has now swung so far that it threatens to become derailed totally. When books are being burned, words are being culled and freedom of expression is under assault it is no longer a political or social threat it’s an existential crisis

May 01, 2023
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I agree. Thanks for sharing!

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