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1 Year of Inky Rose, And A Limited Time Event!

I just realized today that I have had this blog for a year now...

Goodness gracious how time flies! So, I am going to celebrate it some way, I may have an idea of how to do it, more on that later!

On the fateful day of October 16th, my mom came to me with an idea of me starting a blog, one thing led to another, and now we're here. So at the time I'm writing this, it is October 21st, i am a little late for my own celebration...

I was just toggling around with my blog settings, and I saw the date I published my blog, was October 16th, a couple of days ago. I then realized that I should celebrate it and acknowledge it, because who wouldn't.

So here I am, wishing my blog a happy birthday, it's 1 years old!

And thank you, yes you the one reading this (🫵), for being here and taking part of helping my blog grow and letting me have the chance to share my thoughts with you.

I have grown so much since then; I have shared so many things with you and I've had fun doing it! In this time, I've created the Wynoriffic Chronicles which was in March, which is another section of my blog made just for folklore, urban legends, and basically everything spooky.

So, to commemorate and celebrate a year of my blog, and to pay homage to the spooky season, I am going to be publishing a couple of pages of the Macabre Codex to Medium (A writing platform I'm a part of), because who doesn't love some good reading? And the next couple of posts relating to the Codex won't require getting the Wynoriffic Chronicles plan on my blog.

So, this means, for a limited time, I'll end it on November 2nd, you get to get a taste of the Macabre Codex. From there, you can decide if you want to become a member of my official blog and get the Wynoriffic Chronicles plan. (The price is very reasonable if you ask me!)

Once the time is up, those posts will become exclusive again, so enjoy it while it lasts.

I hope that you are enjoying your time here and that you learn a little something from me, like a new topic you've never heard of.

Thank you to my mom for this great idea, couldn't have done it without you! As smart as you say I am, I didn't even think of this, so thanks mom!

Thanks to my followers, all 30 of you on my official blog, all 71 of you on Medium, and the 2 of you on Vocal.Media.

*If you're reading this on Medium, you can join my main blog here.

Well, that's all folks!

Thanks for reading and as always have a good day🏙️/night🌆!

Remember to subscribe for more good reads, and share!

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Socials: Inky Rose | Vocal

Official blog- Home | Inky Rose

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