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The Rose Bush

Public·29 Inky Buds

Bonjour everyone! I finally figured out what to write for the next article. I think you guys will enjoy it. We're stepping away from controversy and into the world of fantasy. Books, movies, you name it! Fantasy is everywhere in the form of hobbits, mermaids, and other faefolk. Disney was big figure in fantasy movies before it became a circus full of clowns.🙃 They had beloved tales of lost boys, talking puppets, and new lands. But do you ever wonder where the story comes from? The majority of their most popular animated movies are based on fairy tales written by real people, usually many years before the movies were even made. These stories are always very different from the movies, sometimes unrecognizable. Other times it's an original work with a dark inspiration, like a tragic figure from mythology.

I have this to say: "Things aren't always what they seem."

I should also tell you Inky Buds to expect the next post to be a bit gory and that the theme revolves around death and consequences.

Other than that, I can't give you guys any more information or else I'll consider the topic spoiled. I like to keep you guys filled with anticipation, so that's all.

Farewell for now! Hope you're looking forward to it!


(P.S, the gifs aren't random, I will talk about Ghibli characters in the next article.)

Mar 01, 2023

Cool Looking Forward To It NOT KIDDING! 😎



Hi there! Welcome to the Rose Bush! You can share your opini...

Inky Buds

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